
Cellulose is the main structural component of plant cell wall and thus the most abundant carbohydrate in nature. However, extracting the energy from this abundant source is limited by its recalcitrant nature. The hydrolysis of plant cell wall requires synergystic action of different enzymes, including multiple cellulases, hemicellulases, pectinases, etc. Meanwhile aerobic celluloytic microorganisms release large quntities of synergistically acting free enzymes in their environment, most anaerobic microorganisms evolved more efficient strategies to optimize the process of plant cell wall degradation, for example production of extracellular multi-enzyme complex (cellulosomes). Cellulosomes consist of at least one core structural protein, named scaffoldin, which firmly binds numerous enzymatic subunits, and usually also plays a major role in substrate binding. Although the general structure of cellulosomes seems universal, differences in number and identity of complex components do exist among microorganisms. The article surveys the current knowledge about cellulosomes, focusing on three best investigated cellulolytic clostridia, one reresentative of ruminal bacteria and novel findings concerning anaerobic fungi. Efforts in construction of artificially engineered cellulosomal systems (designer cellulosomes) as well as their biotechnological potential are also discussed.


mikrobiologija;mikroorganizmi;biotehnologija;celuloza;razgradnja;encimski kompleksi;celulosomi;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: =Slovenian Chemical Society
UDC: 579
COBISS: 2787464 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-0207
Views: 1302
Downloads: 216
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary abstract: Celuloza je temeljni gradnik rastlinske celične stene in tako predstavlja najbogatejši rezervoar ogljikohidratov v naravi. Pridobivanje energije iz tega obilnega vira je omejeno z nejgovo odpornostjo proti razgradnji. Za hidrolizo celične stene je potrebno usklajeno delovanje celega spektra različnih encimov, vključujoč celulaze, himicelulaze, pektinaze, itd. Medtem, ko aerobni celulolitični mikroorganizmi slednje v velikih količinah sproščajo v okolje, so mnogi anaerobi razvili učinkovitejše sisteme razgradnje celične stene. Eden takšnih je proizvodnja ekstracelularnih multiencimskih kompleksov, imenovanih celulosomi. Ti so v splošnem sestavljeni iz najmanj ene strukturne beljakovine, imenovanje skafoldin, ki trdno veže cel spekter encimskih podenot, poleg tega pa ima običajno tudi pomembno vlogo pri pritrjanju kompleksa na substrat. Kljub temu, da je struktura celulosomov na prvi pogled univerzalna, so znane nekatere razlike med kompleksi različnih mikroorganizmov. V članku so zbrani dosedanji podatki o celulosomskih sistemih treh celulolitičnih klostridijev, predstavnika vampnih bakterij in anaerobnih gliv. Povzeti so tudi novejši dosežki genskega inženirstva v sestavljanju rekombinantnih celulosomov ter njihov biotehnološki potencial.
Secondary keywords: mikrobiologija;mikroorganizmi;biotehnologija;celuloza;razgradnja;encimski kompleksi;celulosomi;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 767-774
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ57
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ4
Chronology: 2010
ID: 1730231
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