Katarina Čufar (Author), Maks Merela (Author), Luka Krže (Author)


The owners of the Matičkova farm (Sevno, Slovenia) intended to reconstruct thehouse and the pigsty in agreement with their original appearance. Knowledgeon the age and history of the buildings and the timber used for constructions would help to do this. For this purpose 62 samples of wood were taken from the constructions and wood identification and dendrochronological dating were done in accordance with standard methods. The structures have beenmade of oak (Quercus spp.), sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa), beech (Fagussylvatica), alder (Alnus glutinosa), birch (Betula pendula), willow (Salix spp.), and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). 18 samples of oak, one sample of chestnut and one sample of beech have been dendrochronologically dated. Based on the end dates of different timber elements we assumed that the house was most likely built at the end of 1877 or soon after that. The pigsty was built after 1927. In both objects we could determine when the repairs or reconstructions of the structures took place. In the project was involved a group of students of the Department of Wood Science and Technology.


datiranje;dendrokronologija;identifikacija lesa;kmečka arhitektura;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Zveza lesarjev Slovenije: GZS, Združenje lesarstva
UDC: 630*561.24
COBISS: 1841801 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0024-1067
Parent publication: Les
Views: 1182
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Dendrochronological dating of rural buildings in Sevno, Slovenija
Secondary abstract: Na Matičkovi domačiji na Dolenjskem so želeli po čim bolj prvotnem načrtu prenoviti hišo in svinjak. Da bi izvedeli več o starosti in zgodovini stavb in uporabljenem lesu, je bila opravljena identifikacija lesa in dendrokronološko datiranje. V ta namen smo odvzeli 62 vzorcev lesa iz različnih delov konstrukcij in jih raziskali po uveljavljeni metodologiji. V konstrukcijah stavb so bile uporabljene naslednje lesne vrste: hrast (Quercus spp.), domači kostanj (Castanea sativa), bukev (Fagus sylvatica), črna jelša (Alnus glutinosa), vrba (Salix spp.), navadna breza (Betula pendula) in rdeči bor (Pinus sylvestris). Datirali smo 18 vzorcev hrasta, en vzorec kostanja in en vzorec bukve. Glede na datume zadnjih branik sklepamo, da je bila hiša najverjetneje postavljena konec leta 1877 ali kmalu po tem, svinjak pa je bil postavljen po letu 1927. Na obeh objektih je bilo nekaj lesa vgrajenega med kasnejšimi popravili ali predelavami konstrukcij. Pri delu je v okviru projektne naloge sodelovala skupina študentov prvostopenjskega študija na Oddelku za lesarstvo.
Secondary keywords: dating;dendrochronology;wood identification;rural architecture;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 392-396
Volume: ǂLet. ǂ62
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ9
Chronology: 2010
ID: 1730437
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