diplomska naloga št.: 217/GIG
Gjoko Bojadjievski (Author), Krištof Oštir (Mentor), Bujar Fetai (Co-mentor)


Vegetacijski pokrov v urbanih območjih se hitro spreminja, zaradi upadanja deleža zelenih površin so mesta manj primerna za življenje. Rast prebivalstva in urbanizacija prispevata k povečanemu onesnaženju zraka in globalnemu segrevanju. V nalogi bomo opazovali razmerje med zelenimi in pozidanimi površinami v Skopju, mestu, ki je doživelo veliko urbanizacijo in migracije, ter je v zadnjih letih eno najbolj onesnaženih mest na svetu. Cilj naloge je na osnovi podatkov Landsat izračunati, analizirati in prikazati spremembe v vegetaciji in pozidanosti mesta v obdobju od leta 1993 do leta 2021 na osnovi NDVI (normirani diferencialni vegetacijski indeks) in NDBI (normirani diferencialni indeks pozidanih površin). Del metodologije je določitev meje pozidanih in zelenih površin za podrobnejšo analizo. Analizirane so posamezne občine, ki so doživele največji razmah prebivalstva in pozidanosti. Vegetacijski indeks NDVI ima pri razvrščanju v razrede boljše rezultate. Rezultati so prikazani s tabelami in grafikoni ter grafično na kartah. Ugotovili smo spremembe zelenih v pozidanih območjih, kar je bilo na začetku pričakovano.


geodezija;diplomske naloge;GIG;NDVI;NDBI;daljinsko zaznavanje;Landsat;satelitski posnetki;zelene površine;pozidane površine;zaznavanje sprememb;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [G. Bojadjievski]
UDC: 528.835:502.12(495.6)(043.2)
COBISS: 132695299 Link will open in a new window
Views: 128
Downloads: 16
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Observation of changes in green and built-up areas in cities with a time series analysis of satellite imagery
Secondary abstract: Vegetation cover in urban areas is changing rapidly, due to the decline in the share of green areas, cities are less suitable for living. Population growth and urbanization contribute to increased air pollution and global warming, so the in the thesis, we will observe the relationship between green and built-up areas in Skopje, a city that has experienced great urbanization and migration, and is one of the most polluted cities in the world in recent years. The aim of the task is to calculate, analyze and display changes in the vegetation and built-up area of the city in the period from 1993 to 2021 based on NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and NDBI (normalized difference built-up index) based on Landsat data. Part of the methodology is the determination of the border of built-up and green areas for a more detailed analysis. Individual municipalities that experienced the greatest growth in population and built-up area are analyzed. The vegetation index NDVI performs better in classification. The results are displayed with tables and charts and graphically on maps. We found changes in green areas in built-up areas, which was initially expected.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;graduation thesis;NDVI;NDBI;remote sensing;Landsat;satellite images;green areas;built-up areas;change detection;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 25 str.
ID: 17341825