aktualni vidiki in perspektive
Andrej Bončina (Author)


Uvedba kontrolne metode v snežniških gozdovih pred dobrimi sto leti je pomembno vplivala na razvoj gozdarstva v Sloveniji. Kontrolna metoda ali adaptivno upravljanje pomeni, da na podlagi dopolnilnih informacij o upravljanem sistemu in njegovem okolju, zbranih med samim upravljanjem, prilagajamo cilj upravljanja in dopolnjujemo sistem ukrepov. Teorija adaptivnega upravljanja je temelj za gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje, kar se odraža v vseh načrtovalnih fazah. Gozdna inventura mora, upoštevaje konkretne razmere, zagotoviti uporabne informacije za odločanje. Spremljava ali monitoring je bistveni vir podatkov za preverjanje uporabljenih načinov ravnanja in podlaga za presojo uspešnosti gospodarjenja. Pri spremljavi znakovse je treba zaradi stroškov in porabe časa omejiti na ključne parametre stanja in razvoja gozdnih ekosistemov, ki jih je mogoče upravljati, se spreminjajo zaradi izvajanja ukrepov in so hkrati kazalniki razmer celotnega gozdnega ekosistema. Adaptivno upravljanje poudarja pomen povezovanja izvedbe s spremljavo, presojo uspešnosti gospodarjenja in z novim načrtom. Zato naj načrtuje tisti, ki dobro pozna objekt načrtovanja in njegovo okolje. Adaptivnoupravljanje pospešuje timsko delo, ki lahko izboljša odločitve in prispeva k manjši konfliktnosti izvedbe načrta. Priprava gozdnogospodarskega načrta je predvsem dopolnitev predhodnega, nikakor pa ne izdelava povsem novega načrta. Adaptivno upravljanje terja načrtno raznovrstnost ukrepanja in prilagajanje ciljev in ukrepov glede na pridobljene izkušnje.


adaptivno upravljanje;gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje;načrtovanje procesov;Schollmayer;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Zveza društev inženirjev in tehnikov gozdarstva in lesarstva Slovenije
UDC: 630*56+630*6(045)=163.6
COBISS: 2277030 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0017-2723
Parent publication: Gozdarski vestnik
Views: 884
Downloads: 127
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Adaptive forest management
Secondary abstract: The introduction of the control method in the Snežnik forests significantly affected the development of the forestry in Slovenia. The control method or the adaptive forest management stands for adapting the management objective and correcting the measurement system on the basis of the supplementary information about the management system and its environment, gathered during the management. The theory of the adaptive management forms the basis for the forest management planning, which is reflected in all planning phases. The forest inventory must, considering the concrete conditions, ensure decision oriented information. The monitoring is an essential source of data for evaluating the applied methods and the basis for the management evaluation. Due to the costs and time consumption, the monitoring of the signs must be limited to the key parameters of the condition and development of the forest ecosystems which are manageable, can be changed by applying measures and represent the indicators of the integral forest ecosystem's conditions. The adaptive management emphasizes the importance of connecting the execution and the monitoring, the management evaluation and the new plan; therefore the planning should be performed by the person who knows the planning object and its environment well. The adaptive management promotes the team work which canimprove the decisions and contributes to a lesser conflict level in the plan execution. The preparation of the forest management plan is above all a supplementation of the previous plan and by no means making of an entirely newone. The adaptive management requires a designed diversity of actions and adjusting the objectives and measures with regard to the acquired experience.
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 339-347
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ66
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ7/8
Chronology: 2008
ID: 1734733
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