Aleš Hribernik (Author)


Da bi raziskali, kaksen je vpliv biodizla na značilnice zgorevanja in emisije dizelskega motorja, smo opravili primerjalno študijo. Kot pogonsko gorivo dizelskega motorja z neposrednim vbrizgom goriva smo v enakih delovnih razmerah uporabili gorivo D2 in čisti biodizel. Pri tem smo merili osnovne delovne parametre motorja in emisije škodljivih snovi. Prav tako smo posneli potek tlaka v valju motorja in z enodelnim modelom zgorevanja določili potek sprostitve toplote med zgorevanjem. Po poteku sprostitve toplote smo ocenili osnovne makroparametre zgorevanja. Ločeno smo analizirali tudi delovanje sistema za vbrizgavanje goriva. V ta namen smo na preizkuševalisču za visokotlačne tlačilke izmerili potek tlaka v visokotlačni cevi in giba igle vbrizgalne šobe ter količino vbrizganega goriva. Tako smo lahko izračunali karakteristiko vbrizgavanja in ocenili osnovne makroparametre vbrizgavanja in jih analizirali v različnih delovnih razmerah.


biodizel;brizganje goriva;dizelski motorji;motorji dizelski;zgorevanje


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia et al.
UDC: 621.43.057:504.05
COBISS: 9110811 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0039-2480
Parent publication: Strojniški vestnik
Views: 1096
Downloads: 40
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂinfluence of biodiesel fuel on the injection, combustion, emissions and performance of a direct-injected diesel engine
Secondary abstract: A study was carried out on the influence of biodiesel fuel on a diesel engine's performance, exhaust emissions, combustion and fuel-injection processes. These tests were performed on a direct-injected diesel engine using standard D2 diesel and commercial 100% biodiesel fuels. The tests were carried out using both fuels, under the same conditions. The exhaust emissions and the engine performance were measured and compared. The in-cylinder pressure was also measured, and the heat-release-rate curves were computed by means of a zero-dimensional one-zone combustion model. Some macro-parameters of the combustion process were obtained from the heat-release-rate curves. The injection system was separated from the engine and tested on a special test bench. The quantity of injected fuel was measured, and the injection pressure and injector-needle lift-time history were measured. The injection-rate curves were then computed and some macro-parameters of the injection process were obtained and analysed.
Secondary keywords: diesel engines;biodiesel fuels;fuel injections;combustion;motorji dizelski;biodizel;brizganje goriva;zgorevanje;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 3-14
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ52
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 2006
ID: 1740770