Marjan Janžekovič (Author), Andrej Orešnik (Author), Vojteh Cestnik (Author), Ivan Štuhec (Author)


Analizirali smo krmljenje 27 krav molznic s suho mleto krmno mešanico v molzišču in poskušali ugotoviti ali prekratek čas za zaužitje povzroči stres, ki se odraža tudi s povečanim srčnim utripom (SU). Poprečna količina zaužite krmne mešanice pri eni molži je znašala 2,14 kg, krave pa so dobivale od 1 do 5 kg. Hitrost zaužitja suhe krmne mešanice je bila 249,7 g min-1. Pri večerni molži so imele krave večji SU (83,4 min-1) kot pri jutranji (81,2 min-1). Drugi mesec po telitvi je bil SU (85,10 min-1) večji kot prvi (81,04 min-1) in tretji mesec po telitvi (80,79 min-1). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da do količine 3 kg krmne mešanice na molžo ni prihajalo do povečanega SU. Z naraščajočo količino krmne mešanice nad 3 kg je naraščal tudi SU. Pri kravah, ki so dobile največ krmne mešanice, se je SU najbolj pospešil proti koncu molže. Velika količina suhe krmne mešanice, ki je visoko proizvodne krave molznice v molzišču ne morejo požreti v kratkem času molže povzroči pri njih stres.


govedo;krave;molznice;stres;srčni utrip;hitrost žretja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Biotehniška fakulteta
UDC: 636.2
COBISS: 1829768 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1581-9175
Parent publication: Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Views: 1574
Downloads: 204
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Feeding of concentrates in milking parlour and heart rate of cows
Secondary abstract: Feeding on concentrates in the milking parlour was analysed in order to establish if too short time for the consumption of concentrate caused increased heart rate (HR), one of the stress indicators. 27 highly productive dairy cows were given from 1 to 5 kg of concentrate in the milking parlour. The average quantity of consumed concentrate at a single milking amounted to 2.14 kg, and the average speed of consumption was 249.7 g min-1. Average HR was 82,38 min-1. At the evening milking cows had higher HR (83.4 min-1), compared to the morning one (81.2 min-1). In the second month after calving HR of cows was higher (85.10 min-1) compared to the first (81.04 min-1) and the third month (80.79 min-1) after calving. It has been established that the increase of HR did not occur up to the 3 kg of consumed concentrate per milking. However, higher quantity of consumed concentrate (over 3 kg) resulted in increased HR. If the cows received larger quantities of concentrate, HR increased towards the end of milking process. It can be concluded that large quantities of concentrate, which could not be eaten in a short period of available time at milking, caused stress in highly productive dairy cows.
Secondary keywords: cattle;dairy cows;stress;heart rate;feed intake;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 75-83
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ86
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2005
ID: 1742172