diplomsko delo
Matej Jevšek (Author), Gorazd Karer (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem predstavil nadzorni in regulacijski sistem za tlak v vodovodnem sistemu. Pri izgradnji sistema sem sledil ključnim ciljem vodenja procesa – enostavnemu upravljanju, sledljivosti procesa, enostavnosti vzdrževanja in skladnosti z zakonodajo. Osnovni element sistema je vodni tlak, ki je regulirana veličina. Zanesljivo vzdrževanje tlaka je bilo osnovno vodilo pri načrtovanju sistema. Za izdelavo sistema sem uporabil cenovno ugo-dne in zanesljive elemente. Za lažji nadzor delovanja sistema sem izvedel tudi povezavo z in-ternetom. V diplomskem delu sem opisal osnovne funkcionalnosti sistema za regulacijo vodnega tlaka v skladu z zakonodajo, nadzor nad vrednostjo tlaka z možnostjo diagnosticiranja napak, ukrepa-nje v primeru nepravilnega delovanja, prikaz stanja tlaka in pregled dogodkov. V skladu z na-črtovanim sistemom sem opisal osnovne komponente sistema, standarde, protokole in pro-gramsko opremo. Opisal sem tudi nivoje delovanja sistema: periferni, regulacijski, nadzorni in informacijski. V praktičnem delu sem izdelal prototip sistema, ki izvaja avtomatizacijo procesa in temelji na programirljivem logičnem krmilniku (PLK-ju) Siemens Simatic S7-1214. Programsko kodo za izvedbo regulacijskega programa sem izdelal v okolju TIA portal, v katerem za uporabljeni PLK obstaja že predprogramirani blok z vgrajeno kodo za regulator PID. Zgradil sem cenovno ugoden sistem in ga prilagodil svojim potrebam. S sistemom nadzorujem in reguliram tlak, ter sem s tem zmanjšal vpliv zunanjih dejavnikov. Pred tem se je dogajalo, da se je ob povečani porabi vode tlak zmanjšal, to pa je pomenilo, da je bil zaradi prenizkega tlaka slab pretok vode. Cilj sem dosegel, saj se, za razliko od preteklega delovanja, sedaj ob povečani porabi vode tlak regulira, zato se zmanjša tudi nihanje pretoka vode. Ključne besede: PLK, vmesnik človek-stroj, komunikacijski protokol PROFINET, nadzorni sistem.


programirljivi logični krmilniki;PLK;vmesnik človek-stroj;PROFINET;nadzorni sistemi;visokošolski strokovni študij;Aplikativna elektrotehnika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Jevšek]
UDC: 681.518.5:621.643(043.2)
COBISS: 135150339 Link will open in a new window
Views: 18
Downloads: 11
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: SCADA and pressure control in a water supply system
Secondary abstract: In my thesis, I presented the control and regulation system for pressure in the water supply system. When building the system, I followed the key goal of process management – simple management, process traceability, ease of maintenance and compliance with legislation. The basic element of the system is the water pressure, which has a regulated value. Reliable pressure maintenance was the basic guideline in the design of the system. I used affordable and reliable elements for the system. For easier control of system operation, I also made a connection to the Internet. In my thesis, I described the basic functionalities of the water pressure regulation system in accordance with the legislation, control over the pressure value with the possibility of diagnos-ing errors, action in case of incorrect operation, display of the pressure status and review of events. In accordance with the planned system, I described the basic components of the sys-tem, standards, protocols and software. I also described the level of system operation: periph-eral, regulatory, control and informational. In the practical part, I made a prototype of a system that implements process automation and is based on a programmable logic controller (PLC) Siemens Simatic S7-1214. I created the program code for the implementation of the control program in the TIA portal environment, in which there is already a pre-programmed block with built-in code for the PID controller for the used PLC. I built an affordable system and customized it to my needs. With the system, I control and regulate the pressure, thereby reducing the influence of external factors. Before, it happened that with increased water consumption, the pressure decreased, which meant that the water flow was poor due to too low pressure. I achieved my goal, because unlike the previous operation, now with increased water con-sumption, the pressure is regulated and the influence of water flow fluctuations is subsequent-ly reduced. Keywords: controller, PLC, human machine interface, PROFINET communication protocol, control system.
Secondary keywords: Keywords: controller;PLC;human machine interface;PROFINET communication protocol;control system.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000315
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: XII, 66 str.
ID: 17430435