Iztok Potrč (Author), Tone Lerher (Author), Janez Kramberger (Author), Matjaž Šraml (Author)


V prispevku je predstavljen simulacijski model avtomatiziranega regalnega skladiščnega sistema z enojno pomično in večpomičnimi mizami. Glavni namen predstavljene raziskave je določitev zmogljivosti sistema z večpomičnimi mizami, glede na sistem z enojno pomično mizo. Slednje pomeni glavni delež in pomoč pri postopku načrtovanja avtomatiziranega regalnega skladiščnega sistema. Povečanje pretočne zmogljivosti transportno-skladiščnih enot je mogoče z uporabo sistema z večpomičnimi mizami, glede na sistem z enojno-pomično mizo. V inženirski praksi se največkrat uporablja sistem z enojno pomično mizo, ki temelji na dvojnem delovnem krogu, medtem ko sistem z večpomičnimi mizami temelji na štirikratnem in šestkratnem delovnem krogu. Problem se pojavi pri uporabi ustrezne upravljalne strategije, za zagotovitev pogoja o najmanjših vožnjah regalnega dvigala. V ta namen smo uporabili posebno domiselno metodo, poimenovano "Strategija x", ki razvrsča zaporedje skladiščnih in odpremnih zahtev, z namenom po minimizaciji povprečnega časa vožnje regalnega dvigala. Za ovrednotenje domiselne metode s sistemom večpomičnih miz smo uporabili tehniko diskretnih numeričnih simulacij. Rezultati simulacijske analize so pokazali očitno povečanje pretočnih zmogljivosti sistema z večpomičnimi mizami v primerjavi s sistemom enojne pomične mize.


transport systems;high storage racks;automated warehousing;discrete event simulation;storage operation;performance analysis;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia et al.
UDC: 621.86:658.78:004.94
COBISS: 9260054 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0039-2480
Parent publication: Strojniški vestnik
Views: 1145
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂdesign of automated storage and retrieval systems using a simulation modeling approach
Secondary abstract: A simulation model of a single and a multi-shuttle automated storage and retrieval systems is presented in this paper. The main object of the presented research was to determine the efficiency of multi-shuttle systems versus single-shuttle systems, which represents the main share and support in the design process of automated storage and retrieval systems. An improvement of the throughput capacity of the transport unit load is possible with the use of multi- versus single-shuttle systems. Single-shuttle systems are frequently used in engineering practice, and they are based on the dual command cycle, while multi-shuttle systems are based on the quadruple and sextuple command cycles. The main problem is how to incorporate an appropriate control policy so that the condition of minimal empty travel of the storage and retrieval machine will be fulfilled. A special heuristics method, "Strategy x", that sequences storage and retrieval requests in order to minimize the average travel time has been used for this purpose. Discrete event simulations were used to evaluate the heuristics performances within multi-shuttle systems. The results of simulation analyses showed significant improvements in the throughput capacity for multi-shuttle systems in comparison with single-shuttle systems.
Secondary keywords: transportni sistemi;visokoregalna skladišča;avtomatizirano skladiščenje;diskretna simulacija;skladiščne operacije;analiza zmogljivosti;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 504-529
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ50
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ11
Chronology: 2004
ID: 1743969