Giuseppe Zeppa (Author), Manuela Giordano (Author), Marta Bertolino (Author), Vincenzo Gerbi (Author)


Terpenes are volatile compounds originating exclusively from plants that can be found in dairy products. Several studies have therefore been conducted to use the terpenes to trace the geographical origin or the nature of the feed supplied to animals. The vegetation of mountain pastures varies which results in different types of foraging. Our aim was to determine if the terpene profile can be used to distinguish the mountain pasture of origin. The mono- and the sesquiterpenes of ricotta cheese samples produced during the summer in three mountain farms were then determined with SPME-GC-MS. The ricotta cheeses were produced with cow and goat milk and every three days of production a sample was analysed. Obtained results showed that these compounds vary widely between samples due to the stage of plant development but discrimination among the farms was still possible. Hence mono-and sequiterpenes can be used not only to distinguish between summer pasture cheeses and the ones produced during other periods but also as markers of eachmountain pasture.


milk products;cheese;ricotta;characterisation;terpenes;sesquiterpenes;markers;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Biotehniška fakulteta
UDC: 637.3
COBISS: 1673352 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1581-9175
Parent publication: Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Views: 702
Downloads: 260
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Uporaba mono- in seskvinterpenov za karakterizacijo sirov s planin
Secondary abstract: Terpeni so hlapne snovi izključno rastlinskega izvora, ki jih lahko najdemo v mlečnih izdelkih. Opravljene so bile študije, v katerih so terpene uporabljali za sledenje in ugotavljanje geografskega porekla krme, ki so jo zaužile živali. Razlike v vegetaciji na planinskih pašnikih se odražajo tudi v krmi. V tej raziskavi smo želeli proučiti možnost, če na osnovi profila terpenov lahko ugotovimo ali so se krave pasle na planinskem pašniku. Poleti smo s SPME-GC-MS ugotavljali mono- in seskviterpene v vzorcih sira "ricotta" s treh planinskih farm. Vzorce sira "ricotta", ki so ga izdelovali iz kravjegain ovčjega mleka smo zbirali vsak tretji dan in opravili analize. Čeprav rezultati kažejo, da se vsebnost proučevanih snovi v vzorcih, zaradi razlik v razvojni fazi rastlin, zelo razlikuje, smo lahko ločevali vzorce z različnih farm. Mono- in seskviterpene lahko uporabimo za ločevanja med siri, ki so bili izdelani med pašno sezono in izven nje pa tudi kot markerje za posamezne planinske pašnike.
Secondary keywords: mlečni izdelki;sir;ricotta;karakterizacija;terpeni;seskviterpeni;markerji;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 17-23
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ84
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 2004
ID: 1744405
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