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Bogomir Mesarič (Author), Rajko Bernik (Mentor)


Za žetev pšenice uporabljajo osnovni kmetijski stroj žetvenik. Osnovna opravila žetvenika so neglede na konstrukcijske izvedbe stroja enaka. Žetvenik je sestavljen iz kosilnega, mlatilnega in čistilnega sklopa. Pri vsaki pridelavi in strojnem opravilu prihaja do nekaterih izgub. Izgube pred žetvijo nastajajo zaradi okolja, v katerem je posevek. Žetev je potekala na enaki parceli v 3 ponovitvah in pri dveh različnih višinah žetve. Prva višina je bila žetev 2/3 rastline, kar je med 15 in 20 cm nad tlemi, drugi način je žetev 1/3 rastline, tako imenovana žetev pod klasi in je bila na višini med 40 in 50 cm nad tlemi. Hitrost žetve je bila večja pri žetvi pod klasom in je v povprečju bila za 1,1 km/h višja od žetve 2/3 rastline. Izgube pred žetvijo so bile 1,62 %, kar pomeni 106,5 kg zrnja. Izgube med žetvijo so bile večje pri žetvi pod klasom in so v povprečju vseh žetvenikov bile višje za 0,29 %, lom za 0,36 %, delež primesi v požetem pridelku pa se je povečal 0,35 %. Za 18,5 % hitrejšo časovno spravilo imamo posledično večje izgube pri žetvi, lomu in primeseh.


kmetijska mehanizacija;kmetijski stroji;žetvenik;spravilo pšenice;izguba pridelka;žetev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [B. Mesarič]
UDC: 633.1:631.35:631.55(043.2)
COBISS: 134430979 Link will open in a new window
Views: 15
Downloads: 5
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Crop losses at harvesting wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Fiori et Paol.) varieties
Secondary abstract: For wheat harvesting normally a combine is used. Irrespective of combine construction its basic functions are the same. It consists of mowing, threshing and purification section. During the wheat production and machine harvesting losses are unavoidable. Losses before harvesting occur due to the crop environment. Harve-sting took place on equal parcel in three repetitions and two different harvesting heights. First harvesting was performed at 2/3 plant height, which is at 15 till 20 cm above the ground, second harvesting was at 1/3 plant height, a socalled harvesting under the ear and was performed between 40 and 50 cm above the ground. Harvesting speed was higher during the under the ear harvesting and was in average 1,1 km/h faster than the harvesting at 2/3 plant height. Losses before the har-vesting were at 1,62%/ha that is 106,5 kg grain/ha. Losses during the harvesting were higher at under the ear harvesting and were in average of all combines 0,29% higher, level of broken grains was higher for 0,36% and impurity level in harvested crop increased for 0,35%. As a consequence, during the 18,5% faster harvesting we get higher losses at harvesting, more broken grains and more impurities.
Secondary keywords: agricultural mechanization;combine;harvest;wheat harvesting;crop losses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 44 f., [4] f. pril.))
ID: 17448006