delo Pierra Bourdieuja kot poskus teoretske sinteze v sociološki teoriji
Peter Stanković (Author)


Delo Pierra Bourdieuja predstavlja, poleg svoje siceršnje zanimivosti zaradi številnih zelo inovativnih in celo izzivalnih poudarkov, enega od najpomembnejših poskusov teoretske sinteze v sodobni sociološki teoriji. Kot mnogi drugi teoretiki tudi Bourdieu izhaja iz prepričanja o problematičnosti poenostavljajočih, na zgolj eno plat družbene dinamike (družbene strukture ali kreativno delovanje akterjev) osredotočenih klasičnih socioloških razlag. Da bi presegel to neplodno cepitev, vpelje Bourdieu dinamično triado praksa-habitus-polje, s pomočjo katere poskuša upoštevati obe plati družbene dinamike. Avtor članka z analizo vseh treh konceptov znotraj te triade pokaže, da Bourdieu s takšnim nastavkom ni dosegel zastavljenega cilja, saj njegove rešitve ustrezno konceptualizirajo zgolj strukturalni vidik (polje), pri čemer faktor keativnega delovanja posameznikov(praksa) obvisi v zraku kot neka povsem odvisna spremenljivka.


Bourdieu Pierre;sociološka teorija;družbena struktura;družbena akcija;delovanje;praksa;družbeni razredi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo v Ljubljani
UDC: 316.2
COBISS: 19129181 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 1107
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: delo Pierra Bourdieuja kot poskus teoretske sinteze v sociološki teoriji
Secondary abstract: Sociological theory of Pierre Bourdieu represents not only an amalgam of interesting and often even proving insights, but also one of the most important attempts for thoeretical synthesis in contemporary sociology. As many other sociologists, Bourdieu also tries to overcome simplifyed and one-sided classical theories, which focused exclusively on social structures, or on human agency. In order to overcome this futile cleveage on two opposed meta-theoretical traditions, Bourdieu introduces a dynamic triad praxis-habitus-field. He hopes that this solution will alow to understand bothsides of social dynamics in their intertwined essence. The article analyses the three notions and shows how Bourdieu has not achieved his goal: his solution adequatly conceptualizes only the structural side of social reality (the field), while the other side, human agency (or praxis), remains basically only a dependent variable.
Secondary keywords: Bourdieu Pierre;social structure;social action;acting;practice;social classes;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 230-242
Volume: ǂLet. ǂ36
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: april 1999
ID: 1749989
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