Tina Kogovšek (Author)


O oblikovanju vprašanj in vplivu določenih formulacij posameznega vprašanja na odgovore anketirancev je bilo napisanega že veliko (npr. Payne 1973; Bradburn in Sudman 1988; Converse in Presser 1988; Schuman in Presser 1996). Saris in Gallhofer (1997) povzameta in združita že obstoječe klasifikacije anketnih vprašanj, hkrati pa jih nadgradita s formalnim lingvističnim pristopom. Ob pomoči te klasifikacije je možno glede na cilje raziskave formulirati ustrezna in kvalitetna vprašanja. Lahko pa tudi izpeljemo študije kvalitete merjenja z različnimi možnimi oblikami vsebinsko enakih vprašanj. V našem primeru smo razvrščanjem vzorca javnomnenjskih vprašanj časopisa Delo poskusili preveriti, kako dobro in natančno so ta vprašanja formulirana. Na osnovi te in nekaterih drugih aplikacij sistema lahko rečemo, da je obravnavani sistem klasifikacije uporabno orodje za ugotavljanje kvalitete formulacije vprašanj kipa bi ga kazalo v nekaterih točkah dopolniti.


družboslovno raziskovanje;metodologija;ankete;vprašanja;vprašalniki;lingvistika;Ankete;Vprašalniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo v Ljubljani
UDC: 303
COBISS: 18914653 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 661
Downloads: 117
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: A lot has been written on question wording and its effects on the responses (e.g. Payne, 1973; Bradburn in Sudman, 1988; Converse in Presser, 1988; Schuman in Presser, 1996). Saris and Gallhofer (1997) summarize the existing classifications of survey questions and up-grade them with a formal lingustic approach. On the basis of the classification it is possible to formulate adequate and qualitative questions according to the aims of a research project. It is also possible to conduct studies about the measurement quality with the same questions as to the contents, but differently formulated. By classifying a sample of public opinion questions from the daily Delo, we attempted to establish, how well and accurately these questions are formulated. On the basis of results of this and some other applications, it can be argued that the mentioned classification system is a very useful tool for establishing the quality of the question wording. However it could be improved at several points.
Secondary keywords: social science research;methodology;survey;question;questionnaire;linguistics;Surveys;Questionnaires;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 1118-1135
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ35
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ6
Chronology: nov./dec. 1998
ID: 1751103