ǂan ǂquasi-experimental pilot study
Despite the positive effects of exercise during pregnancy, only a small percentage of pregnant women choose to exercise because of concerns about fetal safety. The purpose of this study was to determine if the selected physiological functions of pregnant women increase or decrease to a limit that is still safe, and what effect this has on fetal heart rate and movement, depending on the type of exercise and physical activity of the pregnant women prior to pregnancy. An experimental study was conducted. Measurements of the pregnant women\'s heart rate, saturation, blood pressure, and body temperature, fetal heart rate, and fetal movements before and after exercise were collected. Exercises with two different levels of intensities (yoga-low and pilates-moderate) were compared. Thirty-one pregnant Slovenian women with gestational age between 20 and 37 weeks were included in the sample. When comparing pre and post exercise measurements, statistically significant differences were found in post exercise body temperature (p = 0.005) and systolic blood pressure (p = 0.007) compared with pre-exercise measurements. When comparing the results between yoga and Pilates exercise sessions, no statistically significant differences were found. When comparing results related to pre-pregnancy physical activity, significant differences in pre-exercise saturation were found (p = 0.041). Despite small sample size, results indicate that moderate physical activity in pregnancy has no significant effect on the vital functions of the pregnant woman that could indirectly endanger foetus. Larger study should be performed, to confirm these preliminary results.
fetal safety;pregnancy;moderate physical activity;
Language: |
English |
Year of publishing: |
2022 |
Typology: |
1.01 - Original Scientific Article |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
UDC: |
796/799-055.26 |
1318-2269 |
Views: |
63 |
Downloads: |
31 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Slovenian |
Secondary title: |
Odziv matere in ploda na prenatalno vadbo |
Secondary abstract: |
Kljub dokazanim pozitivnim učinkom vadbe v nosečnosti, je le majhen delež nosečnic fizično aktiven. Eden od vzrokov je tudi skrb kako telesna aktivnost vpliva na fetus. V prispevku želimo ovrednotiti vpliv vadbe v nosečnosti na določene fizične parametre otroka (gibanje in srčni utrip) ter vitalne funkcije matere, v odnosu do intenzivnosti vadbe ter fizične aktivnosti nosečnice pred nosečnostjo. S tem namenom je bil izveden eksperiment. Zajete so bile nosečnice, udeležene v sklopu organizirane vadbe joge (primer lahke vadbe) in pilatesa (zmerna intenzivnost). Merili smo pulz, krvni tlak, telesno temperaturo in saturacijo žensk ter srčni utrip in gibanje ploda pred in po vadbi. Sodelovalo je 31 žensk med 20 in 37 tednom gestacije. V primerjavi podatkov pred in po vadbi so bile ugotovljene statistično značilne spremembe v telesni temperaturi (p = 0.005) in krvnem tlaku (p = 0.007) vadečih, vendar pa ne v tolikšni meri, da bi to vplivalo na varnost ploda. Statističnih razlik v primerjavi glede na nivo intenzivnosti vadbe nismo zasledili. Statistične razlike so se pokazale tudi v saturaciji pred vadbo (p = 0.041) med ženskami, ki so bile fizično aktivne že v času pred nosečnostjo in tistimi, ki so z vadbo začele šele v času nosečnosti. Kljub majhnemu vzorcu lahko zaključimo, da je nizka oz. zmerno intenzivna vadba v nosečnosti varna za plod. Smiselno bi bilo ponoviti raziskavo na večjem vzorcu. |
Secondary keywords: |
varnost ploda;nosečnost;zmerna telesna vadba; |
Type (COBISS): |
Article |
Pages: |
str. 69-85 |
Volume: |
ǂLetn. ǂ28 |
Issue: |
ǂšt. ǂ3 |
Chronology: |
2022 |
DOI: |
10.52165/kinsi.28.3.69-85 |
ID: |
17539243 |