idejna zasnova prenove Schweigerjeve hiše v Stari Ljubljani
Nika Curk (Author), Maruša Zorec (Mentor), Andraž Keršič (Co-mentor)


V nalogi je obravnavana problematika stare Ljubljane, ki danes predstavlja samo še fasadno kuliso. Notranjost z dvorišči in vrtovi v zaledju Grajskega griča je nedostopna, degradirana, nejasno prezidana in je kot celota izgubila prvotno programsko vlogo. Poleg tega v starem mestnem jedru živi vedno manj stalnih prebivalcev, vsebine pa so marginalne, vedno bolj namenjene le turistom in komercialnim dejavnostim. Na primeru treh hiš na Starem trgu so prikazani možni načini prenove celotne stare Ljubljane. V primeru Schweigerjeve hiše, ki je arhitekturni spomenik, je prikazan konzervativnejši način prenove, kjer se hiša skoraj v celoti ohrani, po prenovi pa je na ogled javnosti. Sosednji dve hiši, ki sta arhitekturna dediščina, sta obravnavani manj konzervativno. Ulična trakta s fasado sta prenovljena, na zaledni strani pa gre za novogradnjo stanovanjskih volumnov, ki zaključujeta celoten stavbni niz na strani Grajskega griča in definirata notranji dvorišči. S prenovo je urejena dostopnost s komunikacijami, statika, požarna varnost in program. Ta je nadgradnja današnje turistične ponudbe pritličij ter praznih in najemniških stanovanj v nadstropjih. Javni program se v pritličju po novem odpira še na notranje dvorišče in se širi v zaledje. Poleg tega prenovljena Schweigerjeva hiša na določene dni v letu odpre svoja vrata obiskovalcem ter s tem postane muzejska hiša. V zgornjih nadstropjih ostalih hiš so prenovljena in nova stanovanja za vse generacije, ki so povezana v stanovanjsko skupnost. Ta ponuja nov način in obliko bivanja v strogem centru. Notranja dvorišča postanejo nova mestna dnevna soba, prostor združevanja in povezovanja stanovalcev, prebivalcev mesta in mimoidočih uporabnikov.


magistrske naloge;arhitektura;prenove;stara mestna jedra;hiše;stara Ljubljana;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FA - Faculty of Architecture
Publisher: N. C. Nagode]
UDC: 728.3:719(043.2)
COBISS: 138324995 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1481
Downloads: 700
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Standing between the walls, above us only sky
Secondary abstract: The master thesis deals with the problems of Ljubljana’s Old Town, which today is just a façade. The inner part, with its courtyards and gardens in the hinterland of Castle Hill, is inaccessible, degraded, obscure, and overbuilt. The Ljubljana Old Town has fewer and fewer permanent inhabitants, and its facilities are marginal, aimed at tourists and commercial activities. Using the example of three houses in the Stari trg square, I show possible approaches to the renewal of Ljubljana’s Old Town. The example of the Schweiger House, a monument of local importance (EŠD 358), shows a more conservative approach, where a highly valued architectural heritage is almost entirely preserved, and after renovation it is universally accessible, with meaningful program and open to the public. The two neighbouring houses are protected as built heritage. I renovate the two street tracts with the façade, and on the back side, with the new construction of residential volumes, I complete the building series along the Castle Hill and define the inner courtyards. Through the renovation of the program, I give meaning to the content of the houses, which, with communications, structural rehabilitation, and fire protection, can come alive in the present day. On certain days of the year, the renovated Schweiger House opens its doors to visitors and becomes a house-museum. On the upper floors of the other houses are apartments for all generations, linked together in a residential community that offers a new way of living in a strict center. The inner courtyards of the houses become a new urban living room, a space for residents, city dwellers, and passers-by to come together and connect.
Secondary keywords: Schweiger House;renovation;Old Town Ljubljana;city living room;house museum;Lili Novy;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za arhitekturo
Pages: 130 str.
ID: 17591317
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