diplomsko delo
Sara Vogrin (Author), Alenka Gril (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala socialno anksioznost študentk in študentov Fakultete za socialno delo med epidemijo Covid-19. Epidemija je močno spremenila naša življenja. Ukrepi so predvsem omejili tudi študentska življenja. Iz svojih izkušenj lahko povem, da je epidemija vplivala na duševno zdravje mladih, velikokrat sem pa tudi slišala, da so se počutili socialno anksiozni, zato sem želela to stanje preveriti. Diplomsko delo se začenja s teoretičnim delom, ki je nastal s pomočjo različne literature. Predstavila sem socialno anksioznost, njene simptome, predvsem na telesni, čustveni, vedenjski in kognitivni ravni, dejavnike, razvoj in tehnike pomoči. Nato sem prešla na temo epidemije, ukrepov in pomoči za študente. Nazadnje pa sem raziskala socialno delo v izrednih razmerah, uporabljene tehnike in razlike med prvim ter drugim valom epidemije. Ker sem v svojo raziskavo vključila samo študente Fakultete za socialno delo, sem lahko tudi preverila, kakšno izkušnjo so imeli z odzivanjem socialnega dela na izredne razmere. Izvedla sem kvantitativno raziskavo, v kateri sem preverila svoja raziskovalna vprašanja in hipoteze. Rezultati spletne ankete med študenti Fakultete za socialno delo so pokazali, da je več kot polovica študentov med epidemijo pri sebi opazila socialno anksioznost, a se po preverjanju posameznih simptomov na čustveni, vedenjski, kognitivni in telesni ravni ni poznala bistvena razlika med doživljanjem socialne anksioznosti pred in med epidemijo. Pomoči si večinoma niso poiskali. Tako s svojo študijsko prakso kot učinkovitostjo odzivanja socialnega dela na izredne razmere so bili zadovoljni. Vloga pomagajočega v času epidemije je pomagala ublažiti lastno socialno anksioznost.


socialna anksioznost;epidemija covid-19;študenti;socialno delo v izrednih razmerah;socialni stiki;duševne stiske;oblike pomoči;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [S. Vogrin]
UDC: 364.4:613.86-057.875
COBISS: 145463555 Link will open in a new window
Views: 68
Downloads: 19
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social anxiety of students of the Faculty of Social work at University of Ljubljana during the Covid-19 epidemic
Secondary abstract: In my diploma thesis, I researched the social anxiety of male and female students of the Faculty of Social Work during the Covid-19 epidemic. The epidemic has greatly changed our lives. The measures mainly limited the lives of students. From my experience, I saw that the epidemic affected the mental health of young people, but I also heard many times that they felt socially anxious, so I wanted to check this situation. In my diploma, I first presented the theoretical part, where I browsed the literature. I presented social anxiety, its symptoms - mainly on the physical, emotional, behavioral and cognitive levels, factors, development and help techniques. Then I moved on to the subject of the epidemic, measures and help for students. Finally, I researched social work in extreme situations, the techniques used and the differences between the first and second wave of the epidemic. Since I included only students of the Faculty of Social Work in my research, I was also able to check what kind of experience they had with social work responding to emergency situations. I conducted a quantitative research in which I tested my research questions and hypotheses. The results of an online survey among students of the Faculty of Social Work showed that more than half of the students noticed social anxiety during the epidemic. But after checking individual symptoms on an emotional, behavioral, cognitive and physical level, no significant difference was found between the experience of social anxiety before and during the epidemic. For the most part, they did not seek help. They were satisfied with both their study practice and the effectiveness of social work's response to emergency situations. The role of helper during the epidemic helped alleviate their own social anxiety.
Secondary keywords: social anxiety;Covid-19 epidemic;students;social work in etreme circumstances;social contacts;mental distress;support;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 75 str.
ID: 17707482