Fossil remains of chondrichthyan tooth bases (roots) were found in Lower Permian beds exposed along the forest road between Dovje and Plavški Rovt. These layers are part of the clastic development of the Trogkofel Group beds. They are composed of an alternation of dark to light-grey shales, siltstone, and sandstone with rare beds of the conglomerate. Within the clastic succession, layers or lenses of dark-grey to black limestones (biosparitic, biomicritic and oolitic) and limestone breccias occur. The limestone consists remains of algae, fusulinids, brachiopods, and mostly crinoids (Palermocrinus and Entrochus). Detail study has shown that two remains of tooth bases belong to the genus Petalodus, one of them to the species Petalodus ohioensis. The bases are tongue-shaped and come to a rounded point in the distal (base end) edge. On the surface of the base, the typical oval-shaped foramina are visible. In addition, the osteodentine is visible on the cross-section of one specimen. Teeth of Petalodus are often the most common chondrichthyan fossil vertebrate remains reported from the Carboniferous and Permian rocks of the USA, Europe, and Russia. In Slovenia, Petalodus ohioensishas been recorded only from Upper Carboniferous beds. The new record of Lower Permian remains contributes to the knowledge of this cosmopolitan but still common genus of Late Paleozoic chondrichthyans.
fosili;Petalodontiformes;Petalodus ohioensis;zgornji paleozoik;artinskij;Karavanke;Slovenija;fossils;Upper Paleozoic;Artinskian;Karavanke Mountains;Slovenia;
Language: |
English |
Year of publishing: |
2022 |
Typology: |
1.01 - Original Scientific Article |
Organization: |
GeoZS - Geological Survey of Slovenia |
Publisher: |
Geološki zavod Slovenije |
UDC: |
56(497.4) |
0016-7789 |
Views: |
95 |
Downloads: |
36 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Slovenian |
Secondary title: |
Spodnjepermski (artinskijski) ostanki zob morskih psov (Petalodontidae) iz Dovjega (Karavanke, SZ Slovenija) |
Secondary abstract: |
Iz spodnjepermskih plasti med Dovjim in Plavškim Rovtom so bili odkriti fosilni ostanki korenin zob hrustančnic. Najdbe izhajajo iz klastičnih plasti Trogkofelske grupe, kjer se menjavajo temni do svetlo sivi glinavci in peščenjaki ter redke leče konglomeratov. Med plastmi se pojavljajo tudi zaporedja temno sivih in črnih apnencev in apnenčevih breč, ki vsebujejo fosilne ostanke alg, fuzulin, ramenonožcev in večji delež ploščic morskih lilij (rodov Palermocrinus in Entrochus). Novo odkrita ostanka zob sta dobro ohranjeni korenini, značilni za rod Petalodus in smo ju vsaj v enem primeru taksonomsko pripisali vrsti Petalodus ohioensis. Oba ostanka korenin imata jeziku podobno obliko, ki se proti koncu zaokroži. Na površini so opazne manjše odprtine (foramni), medtem ko je na enem primerku opazna tudi kostna struktura (osteodentin). Zobje rodu Petalodus se pojavljajo v karbonskih in permskih plasteh skoraj povsod po svetu, predvsem v ZDA, Evropi in Rusiji. V Sloveniji so bili dobro ohranjeni zobje vrste Petalodus ohioensis najdeni le v zgornjekarbonskih plasteh, medtem ko so novi ostanki iz spodnjega perma prvič predstavljeni tukaj. Nove najdbe iz Slovenije dopolnjujejo paleontološko sliko tega kozmopolitskega rodu poznopaleozojskih hrustančnic. |
Secondary keywords: |
fosili;Petalodontiformes;Petalodus ohioensis;zgornji paleozoik;artinskij;Karavanke;Slovenija; |
Pages: |
str. 217-224 |
Volume: |
ǂvol. ǂ65 |
Issue: |
ǂno. ǂ2 |
Chronology: |
2022 |
DOI: |
10.5474/geologija.2022.012 |
ID: |
17755100 |