diplomsko delo
Maruša Novak (Author), Mojca Bernik (Mentor)


V današnji družbi se v podjetništvu pripisuje velik pomen vodenju, ki ga povezujemo z uspešnostjo in učinkovitostjo podjetja. V nalogi smo se osredotočili na preučevanje družinskih podjetij in njihovih specifik. V teoretičnem delu smo na splošno opisali pojem vodenje, stile in načine vodenja, naloge vodij, značilnosti vodij in vodenje s strani žensk. V raziskovalnem delu smo analizirali družinsko podjetje Mlakolor, d. o. o. Zanimale so nas značilnosti vodenja družinskega podjetja Mlakolor, d. o. o. V ta namen smo izvedli raziskavo med zaposlenimi in intervju z direktorico podjetja Mlakolor, d. o. o., ter tehničnim direktorjem predhodnega podjetja X. Podjetje Mlakolor, d. o. o., je namreč nasledilo podjetje X, ki je prodalo svojo proizvodnjo dejavnost. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo zaposleni v podjetju Mlakolor, d. o. o., pozitivno mnenje o sedanji vodji in da so zadovoljni z njenim načinom vodenja. Direktorica podjetja Mlakolor, d. o. o., stremi k spoštljivemu odnosu in nehierarhičnemu vodenju, saj se zaveda, da sta to močna faktorja, ki vplivata na počutje zaposlenih. Deluje povezovalno in s tem zaspolene spodbujak medsebojnemu sodelovanju in pomoči. Cilji, ki jih zastavi, so jasno opredeljeni, nazorno predstavljeni zaposlenim in realizirani. V podjetju Mlakolor, d. o. o., se čuti dobro počutje, enakopravnost, zaupanje in povezanost zaposlenih tako med sabo kot tudi do direktorice. Pri analizi vodenja, ki je bila opravljena med zaposlenimi, se je izkazalo, da direktorica izkazuje spoštovanje do zaposlenih, skrbi za njihovo osebno rast in strokovnost, vendar ji pri vodenju primankuje odločnosti in samozavesti.


vodenje;družinsko podjetje;organizacija podjetja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [M. Novak]
UDC: 005
COBISS: 148447747 Link will open in a new window
Views: 21
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Leading family business mlakolor d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: In today's society, in entrepreneurship, great importance is attached to management which we associate with the success and efficiency of the company. In the assignment we focused on studying family businesses and their specifics. In the theoretical part we described the general concept of leadership, styles and ways of leadership, the tasks of leaders, the characteristics of leaders and leadership from the perspective of women. In the research work, we analyzed the family business Mlakolor, d. o. o. We were interested in the characteristics of the management of the family business Mlakolor, d. o. o. For this purpose we conducted a survey among employees and an interview with the director of Mlakolor, d. o. o., and the former technical directors of the previous company X. The company Mlakolor, d. o. o., was succeeded by company X, which sold its production activity. The results of the survey showed that the employees of the company Mlakolor, d. o. o., have a positive opinion of the current manager and that they are satisfied with her management style. Director of Mlakolor, d. o. o., strives for a respectful attitude and non-hierarchical management, as she realizes that these are the two powerful factors that influence the well-being of employees. She connects and encourages employees to cooperate with and help each other. The goals she sets are clearly defined, clearly presented to the employees and realized. In the company Mlakolor, d. o. o., well-being, equality, trust and connection can be detected among the employees as well as between the employees and the director. In the analysis of the management by the employees, it turned out that the director shows respect for the employees, cares for their personal growth and professionalism, but she lacks decisiveness and self-confidence in her management.
Secondary keywords: Družinska podjetja;Vodenje;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VI, 60 f.
ID: 17757933
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