diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Sodelovanje s starši v vrtcu Laško sem želela raziskati zadovoljstvo staršev z delom in sodelovanjem z zaposlenimi v vrtcu Laško. Diplomsko delo je vsebinsko razdeljena na dva dela. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, sem predstavila družino, vrtec, odnose med strokovnimi delavci in starši, komunikacijo s starši in sodelovanje z njimi, kateremu sem se podrobneje posvetila. Opisala sem formalne in neformalne oblike sodelovanja ter prednosti sodelovanja za vzgojitelje/učitelje, starše in otroke. Da bi bilo sodelovanje karseda učinkovito, je potrebno vzpostaviti ustrezen odnos in primerno komunikacijo. Kakšen bo odnos, je odvisno od prizadevnosti in iskrenosti tako vzgojiteljev kot staršev. Od kakovosti odnosa in učinkovitosti komunikacije je odvisno, ali bo sodelovanje uspešno ali ne. Ker so predšolski otroci izjemno navezani na družino, je praktično nemogoče, da družina (starši) in vrtec (vzgojitelji) ne bi sodelovala. Drugi del diplomskega dela zajema empirični del, kjer sem analizirala anketni vprašalnik, ki sem ga razdelila staršem otrok, ki obiskujejo vrtec Laško. Ugotovila sem, da se staršem zdi sodelovanje med njimi in vrtcem koristno, s sodelovanjem in odnosi so zadovoljni, menijo, da sodelovanje koristi njihovim otrokom in da se ga radi udeležujejo.


predšolska vzgoja;vrtci;Laško;starši;sodelovanje;vzgojitelji;družina;odnosi;komunikacija;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Ulaga]
UDC: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 16898568 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6673
Downloads: 1657
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In my diploma work titled Cooperation with parents in kindergarten Laško I wanted to research how parents are satisfied with work and cooperation of kindergartens employees. The content of my diploma research project is divided into two parts. In the first - theoretical part I presented family, kindergarten, relations between expert workers and parents, communication and cooperation with parents. I researched in detail communication and cooperation with parents. I described formal and informal forms of cooperation and advantages of it for educator/ pedagogue/teacher, for parents and for children. To make this cooperation as efficient as possible, there has to be an appropriate communication. How this cooperation will be, depends on strenuousness and honesty both pedagogues and parents. The quality of relations and efficiency of communications make cooperation successful. Preschool children are exceptionally attached to their family. It is not possible that family (parents) and kindergarten (pedagogues) would not cooperate. The second part of my task is empirical, where I analyzed a questionnaire, that the parents of children in kindergarten Laško answered. I found out, that the parents see our cooperation as beneficial. They are content with relations. They feel, that this cooperation is useful for their children. They like to take part in our activities.
Secondary keywords: KEY WORDS: • child;• parents;• pedagogue;• family;• kindergarten;• cooperations;• relations;• comunication.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 74 f., [4] f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;education;vzgoja in izobraževanje;šolstvo;pouk;kinds of school providing general education;vrste šol;ki zagotavljajo splošno izobrazbo;
ID: 17817
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