diplomska naloga
Anže Dolničar (Author), Gregor Omejec (Reviewer), Mojca Amon (Mentor)


Fizioterapevtska podpora v profesionalnih rokometnih timih je že nekaj časa stalna praksa. Pojavnost poškodb pri amaterskih športnikih je visoka, še pogosteje pa pride do poškodb pri profesionalnih športih, bodisi individualnih ali skupinskih. Rokomet je visoko intenziven šport, kjer so igralci neprestano v gibanju, kompleksni elementi rokometne igre kot so hitre spremembe gibanj, nenadna zaustavljanja, skoki ter najrazličnejši doskoki in gibanja v preži pa predstavljajo visoko tveganje za pojav poškodb. Glede na mehanizem poškodovanja ločimo akutne poškodbe in pa poškodbe, ki so posledica preobremenitve. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti in analizirati najpogostejše poškodbe, ki se pojavljajo pri profesionalnih igralcih rokometa. Po analizi naše raziskave in pregledu znanstvenih člankov smo ugotovili, da so najpogostejše poškodbe v rokometu zvin skočnega sklepa, poškodba sprednjih kolenskih vezi (ACL), poškodbe dlani in prstov. To so akutne poškodbe, ki so največkrat posledica stika z drugim igralcem ali predmetom (npr. rokometna žoga). Najpogostejše poškodbe, ki pa so posledica obremenitve pa so poškodbe ramenskega obroča, ki pa so največkrat posledica nenehnih elementov meta žoge. Preučili in opredelili smo tudi najustreznejše postopke diagnosticiranja rokometnih poškodb, ter ugotovili, da je najustreznejša celostna diagnostika. Najpomembnejši je natančen fizioterapevtski pregled, ki vključuje vse splošne in specifične procese diagnosticiranja, pri katerem pa so lahko fizioterapevtu v pomoč tudi drugi za to usposobljeni zdravstveni delavci. Poleg tega, je pomembna tudi slikovna radiološka diagnostika, ki je fizioterapevtu v pomoč pri pravilnem diagnosticiranju. Največkrat uporabljene metode radiološkega diagnosticiranja so magnetna resonanca ter rentgensko slikanje. Rezultati naše raziskave so pomembni tako za športnike, kot tudi za vse zdravstvene delavce v športu in trenerje. Z ugotovitvami lahko pozitivno vplivamo na fizioterapevtsko prakso v športu.


rokomet;rokometne poškodbe;rehabilitacija poškodb;sprednja križna vez;zvin gležnja;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [A. Dolničar]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 146205955 Link will open in a new window
Views: 124
Downloads: 19
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Most frequent injuries of handball players
Secondary abstract: Physiotherapy support in professional handball teams has been a constant practice for some time. The incidence of injuries in amateur athletes is high, and injuries occur even more frequently in professional sports, whether individual or team. Handball is a high-intensity sport, where the players are constantly in motion, and the complex elements of the handball game, such as quick changes of movement, sudden stops, jumps, and a wide variety of jumps and movements in anticipation, pose a high risk of injury. Depending on the mechanism of injury, we distinguish between acute injuries and injuries resulting from overloading. The aim of the research was to identify and analyze the most common injuries that occur in professional handball players. After analyzing our research and reviewing scientific articles, we found that the most common injuries in handball are ankle sprains, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, palm and finger injuries. These are acute injuries that are most often the result of contact with another player or an object (e.g. handball ball). The most common injuries, which are the result of stress, are injuries of the shoulder, which are most often the result of constant elements of throwing the ball. We also examined and defined the most appropriate procedures for diagnosing handball injuries, and concluded that the most appropriate is comprehensive diagnostics. The most important is precise physical therapy examination, which includes all general and specific diagnostic processes, in which the physical therapist can also be assisted by other qualified medical professionals. In addition, imaging radiological diagnostics is also important, which helps the physiotherapist in making a correct diagnosis. The most frequently used methods of radiological diagnosis are magnetic resonance and X-ray imaging. The results of our research are important for athletes as well as for all health professionals in sports and coaches. The findings can have a positive impact on physiotherapy practice in sports.
Secondary keywords: handball;handball injuries;injury rehabilitation;ACL - anterior cruciate ligament;ankle sprain;diploma theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: I, 39 str.
ID: 17832844