Janez Juvan (Author), Andrej Sotlar (Author)


Purpose: For decades, the international community has been trying to contribute to long-term peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), but it has been only partially successful. The purpose of the paper is to present a new model for the reform of the political and social architecture, which, along with the new role of the international community, will ensure the peace, stability and security of BiH, and at the same time will be applicable in other areas of the world. Design/Methods/Approach: The article brings insights in the mentioned processes by using combinations of theoretical and empirical methods, of which the most important are in-depth interviews with experts who know the region in detail, as well as the measures already implemented in (post)conflict areas in some other parts of the world. Findings: The article discusses a possible model for the future role of the international community in this country as developed by the Working Group on BiH. The model relies on technical assistance to the country for fundamental reforms provided by highly qualified international experts using a modular reform implementation strategy. It is a modular implementation of the reforms, which increases the efficiency and at the same time checks the suitability of the proposed solutions. Research Limitations/Implications: The situation in BiH is very complex due to the complicated political system, the ethnic map, the political situation, the economic and social situation, therefore, generalizing the findings is difficult. Practical Implications: Reforms must strengthen the rule of law, modernize public administration, harmonize the business environment through fiscal policy and control institutions, open and protect labour competitiveness, establish functioning social, health, and pension systems, and open up space for civil society. Originality /Value: Article is presenting the new model as a regional integration programme for infrastructure, economy, education, inter-institutional cooperation, culture, and sports.


international community;new reforms model;EU accession;Bosnia and Herzegovina;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
UDC: 327
COBISS: 139695875 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 2232-2981
Views: 44
Downloads: 5
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Vloga mednarodne skupnosti v novem modelu reforme politične in družbene arhitekture Bosne in Hercegovine
Secondary abstract: Namen prispevka: Mednarodna skupnost si že desetletja prizadeva prispevati k dolgoročnemu miru in stabilnosti v Bosni in Hercegovini (BiH), vendar je pri tem le delno uspešna. Namen prispevka je predstavitev novega modela za reformo politične in družbene arhitekture, ki bo ob novi vlogi mednarodne skupnosti zagotavljal mir, stabilnost in varnost BiH, hkrati pa bo uporaben tudi na drugih območjih po svetu. Metode: V članku je uporabljena kombinacija teoretičnih in empiričnih raziskovalnih metod. Med slednjimi so ključni poglobljeni intervjuji s strokovnjaki, ki regijo podrobno poznajo, ter ukrepi, ki so bili že uporabljeni v preteklosti na konfliktnih območjih v nekaterih drugih delih sveta. Ugotovitve: Članek opisuje možni model prihodnje vloge mednarodne skupnosti v tej državi, kot ga je razvila Delovna skupina za BiH. Model se opira na tehnično pomoč državi za temeljne reforme, ki jo zagotavljajo visoko usposobljeni mednarodni strokovnjaki z uporabo strategije izvedbe reform po modulih. Gre za modularno izvedbo implementacije reform, s čimer se poveča učinkovitost in hkrati preveri primernost predlaganih rešitev. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave: Razmere v BiH so zaradi zapletenega političnega sistema, etničnega zemljevida, politične situacije, gospodarskega in socialnega položaja zelo kompleksne, zato je posploševanje ugotovitev oteženo. Praktična uporabnost: Reforme morajo okrepiti pravno državo, posodobiti javno upravo, uskladiti poslovno okolje s fiskalno politiko in nadzornimi institucijami, odpreti in zaščititi konkurenčnost dela, vzpostaviti delujoče socialne, zdravstvene in pokojninske sisteme ter odpreti prostor za civilno družbo. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Članek predstavlja nov model kot regionalni integracijski program reform za infrastrukturo, gospodarstvo, izobraževanje, medinstitucionalno sodelovanje, kulturo in šport.
Secondary keywords: mednarodna skupnost;nov model reform;priključitev EU;Bosna in Hercegovina;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 99-120
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ24
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2022
ID: 17852673
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