magistrsko delo
Suzana Krhlanko (Author), Silvester Žgur (Reviewer), Milena Kovač (Mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela je vzpostavitev sistema sledljivosti za zagotovitev pasemske pripadnosti krškopoljskih prašičev ter vpeljava metod sledljivosti in verifikacije prašičev, mesa in mesnih izdelkov. Za zagotavljanje sledljivosti prašičev je potrebno v celotni prehranski verigi ohranjati identifikacijo živali, mesa ali mesnih izdelkov skozi različne korake prireje in predelave mesa. Preverili smo zakonodajo, veljavno v Sloveniji, in zootehniško dokumentacijo, ki jo zahteva rejski program za avtohtono pasmo krškopoljski prašič. Tok informacij smo opremili z možnimi kritičnimi točkami in listami napak v sistemu sledljivosti prašičev. Za preverjanje izvora mesa smo uporabili genomske informacije 34.396 SNP‑jev od skupno 2.106 vzorcev prašičev različnih genotipov ter mesa in mesnih izdelkov, ki so bili deklarirani kot meso krškopoljskega prašiča ter izvirajo od desetih proizvajalcev. Za iskanje potencialnih staršev je bila uporabljena programska oprema Alpha Assign. Mesnim izdelkom, sorodnim s plemenskimi prašiči, smo preverili skladnost z zapisi o plodnosti v rodovniški knjigi. Pri preveritvi prašičev z genotipiziranima obema staršema je bilo starševstvo potrjeno pri 80 % prašičev. Pri ostalih živalih s popolnim poreklom je bil zavrnjen vsaj eden od staršev. Od vseh vzorcev mesa in mesnih izdelkov, ki so bili deklarirani pod pasmo krškopoljski prašič, smo pri polovici vzorcev lahko potrdili pasemsko pripadnost. Pri večini potrjenih izdelkov smo našli starša z znanim datumom pripusta in genomsko potrjenim starševstvom. V primerih brez ožjih sorodnikov v populaciji krškopoljskega prašiča smo sklepali, da je prišlo do vnosa drugih genov v eni izmed generacij oz. je meso izviralo od prašičev sodobnih genotipov.


prašičereja;prašiči;avtohtone pasme;krškopoljski prašič;meso;sledljivost;genomske informacije;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [S. Krhlanko]
UDC: 636.44.08(043.2)
COBISS: 141238531 Link will open in a new window
Views: 36
Downloads: 15
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Methods of Krškpolje pig meat traceability using genomic information
Secondary abstract: The research aims to establish a traceability system to ensure the meat is from Krškopolje pig and to implement methods for verification of animal, meat and meat product traceability. In order to ensure traceability, the identification of animals, meat or products of animal origin must be preserved throughout various steps of the food chain. We reviewed the Slovenian legislation in force and the zootechnical documentation required by the breeding programme for the local Krškopolje pig breed. Critical points were integrated into the information flow where errors in the pig traceability system could occur. Genomic information from 34,396 SNPs on 2,106 samples of pig ear tissue of different genotypes, meat and meat products were used to verify the origin of meat declared as Krškopolje pig meat and originated from ten producers. Alpha Assign software was used to search for potential parents. The breeding pigs found to be related to meat samples must have the corresponding reproduction data. The parentage of pigs was confirmed in 80% of all the pigs with genomic information of both parents. In the other animals with complete pedigree, at least one or both parents were rejected. The Krškopolje pig breed was confirmed in half of the meat and meat product samples declared as Krškopolje pig meat. In most of the confirmed products, we found at least one parent with a known service date and had also genomically confirmed parentage. In cases without close relatives in the Krškopolje pig population, we concluded that the ancestors did not belong to the Krškopolje pig breed. According to the higher genomic relationship coefficient with other pigs, other modern breeds and hybrids were introduced in one of the ancestor generations.
Secondary keywords: pig breeding;pigs;autochthonous breeds;Krškopolje pig;meat;traceability;genomic information;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko, Magistrsko delo magistrskega študijskega programa 2. stopnje Znanost o živalih
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XII, 56 str., [7] str. pril.))
ID: 17923430