magistrsko delo
Andrej Hodnik (Author), Sonja Mlaker Kač (Mentor), Mateja Čuček (Co-mentor)


V tem magistrskem delu smo preučevali, kako obiskovalca spletne trgovine spremeniti v kupca. Zanimalo nas je torej, kaj vse vpliva na posameznikovo nakupno namero pri obisku spletne trgovine. V prvem poglavju dela smo preučevali dosedanjo literaturo s področja spletne prodaje. Opisali smo različne tipe poslovnih modelov, načine spletne prodaje ter najpogostejše marketinške kanale. Večji poudarek smo namenili sami uporabniški izkušnji obiskovalca spletne trgovine. Preučili smo pomen prilagajanja cen z uporabo spletnih kuponov, uporabo barv, uporabo animiranih slik, postavitev izdelkov, povezavo med ocenami izdelka ter prodajo in ceno izdelka, na kratko pa smo opisali tudi dostavo, Googlove smernice za kreiranje ciljne strani in Googlove smernice za ustvarjanje oglasa. V drugem poglavju smo izvedli anketo, kjer smo želeli pridobiti podatke, ki bi bili v korist spletnim trgovcem. Naša ciljna publika so bili vsi z dostopom do interneta. Prejeli smo 231 veljavnih anket in izmed vprašanih sta 202 (87 %) anketiranca že nakupovala preko spleta. Z anketo smo želeli ugotoviti posameznikov pogled na spletno nakupovanje. Zastavljali smo vprašanja, vezana na pogostost nakupov, izbiro trgovine, težo posameznih postavk, ki vplivajo na posameznikovo odločitev glede nakupa, vprašanja, vezana na uporabo družabnih omrežij in oglaševanja na njih, o branju elektronskih novic ter klikih na posamezni zadetek v spletnem iskalniku. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kaj se najpogosteje kupuje preko spleta, katero plačilno sredstvo se najpogosteje izbere in kateri brskalnik se najpogosteje uporablja. Vse rezultate smo statistično ustrezno obdelali in tudi grafično prikazali. Za tem smo preverili zastavljene hipoteze in prišli do ugotovitve, da lahko že izbira barv in postavitev spletne trgovine vplivata na posameznikovo namero o nakupu.


spletna prodaja;spletna trgovina;konverzija;spletni trgovec;elektronsko poslovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [A. Hodnik]
UDC: 339.138:004.738.5:658.71(043.2)
COBISS: 148084483 Link will open in a new window
Views: 37
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: How to convince an online store visitor to make a purchase
Secondary abstract: In this work, we have studied how exactly a visitor of an online store can be turned into a buyer. In other words, we were interested in all of the factors which affect an individual's shopping intent during an online store browsing. The first chapter covers the literature written so far on the field of online shopping. It also includes our descriptions of various types of business models, ways of online sale, and the most common marketing channels. A larger emphasis was put on an online store consumer’s experience itself. We have studied the importance of price adjustment with the use of online coupons, use of colours and animated pictures, placement of products, and the connection between the product’s ratings and its sale and price. Last but not least, we have also examined the field of product delivery and Google’s guidelines for both landing page creation and advertisement creation. The second chapter consists of a questionnaire research analysis, the goal of which was gathering of data which would be useful for online shoppers. Our target audience were all people with internet access. We received 231 valid questionnaires, among which 202 (87 %) respondents had already had previous experience with online shopping. The questionnaire was used to determine the individual’s perspective on online shopping. The questions dealt with: the frequency of purchases, choice of stores, the weight of particular factors influencing an individual’s purchasing decisions, the use of social media and advertisement found on them, reading of newsletters, and clicking on certain hits in a search engine. We were also interested in finding out which product is most frequently bought online, what sort of payment is most commonly picked, and which is the most common web browser used. All of the results are also graphically presented. In the end, the posed hypotheses were checked and we came to the conclusion that the choice of colours and positioning of the online shop can already significantly affect an individual’s shopping intent.
Secondary keywords: E-commerce;online sales;online store;online shop;e-tailer;conversion;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, [106] str.))
ID: 17950373
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