diplomsko delo
Simona Gobec (Author), Uroš Horvat (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi so prikazani razvoj in učinki turizma v občini Podčetrtek. Občina Podčetrtek se je v razmeroma kratkem obdobju, od leta 1966, ko je z uradnim poslovanjem pričelo Zdravilišče Atomske toplice, danes Terme Olimia, iz tipično agrarnega območja, razvila v pomembno turistično območje. Na osnovi izkoriščanja naravnega vira zdravilne vode, se je na območju turistične cone v Podčetrtku, kot tudi v okolici, razvila tako turistična infrastruktura kot superstruktura. Turistični promet in njegovi učinki so povzročili razvoj nekaterih dejavnosti, ki so posredno ali neposredno vezani na turizem. V prvem delu so prikazani naravno in družbeno geografski dejavniki občine Podčetrtek, kot dejavnik razvoja turizma ali kot element oviranja. Opisane so razvojne stopnje turističnega razvoja ter obseg in značilnosti turističnega prometa. Predstavljena je primerjava z nekaterimi drugimi zdraviliškimi kraji. V tem delu so tudi predstavljeni rezultati ankete gostov term Olimia, ki se nanašajo na socio-ekonomsko sestavo, njihove motive in potrebe. V drugem delu je predstavljen prostorski in funkcijski razvoj naselja Podčetrtek v odnosu do razvoja turistične dejavnosti na območju term Olimia. Opredeljene so posamezne funkcijske cone naselja Podčetrtek. Analiziran je odnos prebivalcev občine Podčetrtek do turistične dejavnosti in pomen turistične infrastrukture za kvaliteto bivanja. Analiziran je tudi vpliv gostov term Olimia na obseg prometa v občini Podčetrtku v trgovskih, gostinskih in storitvenih dejavnostih.


geografija;turizem;Podčetrtek;turistični razvoj;motivi;terme Olimia;Slovenija;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Gobec]
UDC: 91(043.2)
COBISS: 17079304 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3455
Downloads: 682
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this diploma, the development and the effects of tourism in the municipality of Podčetrtek, is shown. The municipality of Podčetrtek has, in relatively short period of time, since 1966, when spa Atomske Toplice first officially started with business, today known as spa Terme Olimia, has developed into an important tourist area, out of tipicaly agricultural area. On the basis of using natural source of healing water, the tourist infrastructure has developed as far as a superstructure, on the tourist zone area in Podčetrtek, as well as the near surroundings. Tourist traffic and its effects have led to the development of certain activities, which are directly or indirectly linked to tourism. In the first part a natural geographic and social factors of municipality of Podčetrtek are shown as a factor in the development of tourism or as an element of hindering the development of it. The development stage of tourism development is described as well as the extent and characteristics of tourist traffic. A comparison with some other health sites is presented. This part also presents the results of surveys of Terme Olimia guests, pertaining to the socio-economic composition, their motives and needs. The second part presents the spatial and functional development of Podčetrtek in relation to development of tourist activities in Terme Olimia area. The functional zones of Podčetrtek are defined. The relationship of Podčetrtek county residents to the importance of tourism activities and tourism infrastructure for the quality of housing is analyzed. The impact of Terme Olimia guests on the volume of traffic, in trade, catering and service industries of Podčetrtek is analyzed as well.
Secondary keywords: Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: 139 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;geography;exploration of the earth and of individual countries;travel;regional geography;geografija;raziskovanje zemlje in posameznih držav;potovanja;regionalna geografija;
ID: 17982
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