diplomsko delo
Petra Mikulandi (Author), Lan Umek (Mentor)


Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih je eden ključnih dejavnikov uspešnosti vsakega podjetja, saj so zadovoljni zaposleni uspešnejši in učinkovitejši. Zadovoljni zaposleni so ključ za doseganje ciljev organizacije, bistvenega pomena so že same delovne razmere v organizaciji in kako bodo zaposleni motivirani ter nagrajevani. Veliko organizacij je usmerjeno predvsem k povečanju lastne produktivnosti z raznimi kompleksnimi tehnikami in z zmanjševanjem stroškov, pri tem pa pozabijo na osnovne pogoje, s katerimi bi povečali zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Z vsakoletnim izvajanjem anketnih raziskav bi marsikatera organizacija pridobila dovolj jasne rezultate in s tem ugotovila, ali so zaposleni zadovoljni ali ne. V teoretičnem delu bodo predstavljena spoznanja ter različna stališča domačih in tujih virov o zadovoljstvu zaposlenih. Predstavljeni bodo osnovni pojmi in dejavniki zadovoljstva zaposlenih v organizaciji, načini komunikacije in medsebojni odnosi ter pojem motivacije in načini motiviranja zaposlenih. S kvantitativno metodo merjenja in izvedeno anketno raziskavo bo prikazana dejanska slika zadovoljstva zaposlenih v organizaciji in ugotovljena bo pomembnost nekaterih dejavnikov, ki povečujejo zadovoljstvo. S tem lahko vodstvo organizacije stremi k izboljšanju medsebojnih odnosov, saj rezultati ankete prikazujejo področja, ki jih je treba nadgraditi oz. jim posvetiti večjo pozornost.


zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;dejavniki zadovoljstva;komunikacija;medsebojni odnosi;motivacija.;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [P. Mikulandi]
UDC: 331.101.32(043.2)
COBISS: 142703363 Link will open in a new window
Views: 54
Downloads: 29
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Employee satisfaction analysis in selected organization
Secondary abstract: Employee satisfaction is one of the key factors of any successful company. Every organization must be aware of the great importance of the satisfaction of its employees, because satisfacted employees are much more successful and efficient. At the same time they are the key to achieving the set goals. When we talk about goals, we mean our own, personal goals, as well as the goals of any successful company. Working conditions in the organization and how employees will be motivated and rewarded to keep employees satisfied, are essential. Many organizations are primarily focused on increasing their own productivity with various complex techniques and reducing costs, while forgetting the basic conditions that would increase employee satisfaction. By conducting surveys every year, many organizations would obtain sufficiently clear results and thereby determine whether employees are satisfied or not. In this way, the organization would have the key to solving the problem and this increase the satisfaction of her employees. In the theoretical part will be presented the findings and various points of view of domestic and foreign sources in the field of employee satisfaction. Basic concepts and factors of employee satisfaction in the organization, methods of communication and mutual relations will be presented, as well as the concept of motivation and ways of motivating employees. With a quantitative measurement method and a survey conducted among the organization's employees, will be shown the actual picture of the satisfaction of the employees in the organization and the importance of some factors of satisfaction. In this way, the management of the organization can aim to improve mutual relations. The results of the survey show the areas that need to be upgraded or pay more attention.
Secondary keywords: employee satisfaction;factors of satisfaction;communication;mutual relations;motivation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000530
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: IX, 46 str.
ID: 17994515