magistrsko delo
Laura Kovač (Author), Andrej Naterer (Mentor)


Večina Romov v Sloveniji živi v romskih naseljih, ki so v stroki obravnavana kot poseben pojav na našem ozemlju. Zanje je značilno, da se v večini primerov nahajajo na obrobju naseljenih območij ali pa so celo ločena od njih in v celoti izolirana. Posebna so tudi zaradi svoje oblike, prostorske strukture, naseljenosti in ostalih lastnosti. Prav zaradi specifičnih bivanjskih razmer so Romi v Sloveniji uvrščeni med socialno ogrožene in marginalne družbene skupine. Kot taka se romska naselja pogosto enačijo z različnimi pojavnimi oblikami prostorske segregacije, predvsem z getom, romsko skupnost v Sloveniji posledično opisujejo kot getoizirano. V magistrskem delu analiziramo štiri romska naselja v Sloveniji z namenom ugotavljanja elementov geta v slednjih. Delo temelji na kvalitativnem pristopu raziskovanja. Podatki smo dobili s pomočjo treh metod raziskovanja, in sicer: z metodo opazovanja z udeležbo, s pol strukturiranimi intervjuji ter s sekundarno analizo podatkov. Obdelani so po načelih kvalitativne analize podatkov. Izmed štirih analiziranih naselij se prekmursko romsko naselje Beltinci in dolenjsko romsko naselje Žabjak izkažeta kot tisti, kjer so elementi geta še najbolj očitni in zatorej problematični. Ti dve naselji se soočata z največ izzivi. Zgodovinski temelji prostorske segregiranosti obravnavane skupnosti nakazujejo, da gre v primeru romskih naselij v Sloveniji za neprostovoljno prostorsko koncentrirano območje, vendar so v delu slednja obravnavana tudi v luči prostovoljne segregacije.


romska naselja;geto;prostorska segregiranost;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [L. Kovač]
UDC: 323.15(497.4=214.58)(043.2)
COBISS: 144571907 Link will open in a new window
Views: 24
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Roma settlements in Slovenia as potential ghettoes
Secondary abstract: The majority of the Roma living in Slovenia live in Roma settlements. These settlements are regarded by the profession as a special phenomenon. They are typically located on the periphery of residential territories or are even separated from them and completely isolated. They are particular due to their shape, special structure, population, and other reasons. Especially due to their living situations, the Roma are classified as socially deprived and marginalised social groups in Slovenia. As such, Roma settlements are frequently equated to different manifestations of social segregation, mainly to a ghetto. Consequently, the Roma community is described as a ghettoised community. This Master's thesis analyses four Roma settlements in Slovenia with the purpose of determining ghetto elements in these very settlements. The thesis is based on the qualitative approach to research. The data is gathered via three methods of investigation: participatory observation, semi-structured interview, and secondary data analysis. The collected data was processed via qualitative data analysis. Among the four analysed settlements, the Prekmurje Roma settlement Beltinci and the Lower Carniolan settlement Žabjak proved to be the ones with the most apparent elements of a ghetto and are thus problematic. These two settlements face the most challenges. The community under consideration's historical foundations of spatial segregation imply that, in the case of Roma settlements in Slovenia, it is a case of involuntary spatial, concentrated zone. However, in the thesis, the aforementioned settlements are also considered in light of voluntary segregation, too.
Secondary keywords: Roma settlements;ghetto;spatial segregation;master theses;Romi;Naselja;Segregacija;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 136 str.))
ID: 18008636