diplomsko delo
Diana Kočar (Author), Bojan Struger (Mentor)


V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni dejavniki, ki so potrebni za uspeh v tekmovalnem športu, tekov na srednje in dolge proge. Najpomembnejši dejavniki, ki vplivajo na rezultat v vzdržljivostnem teku, so morfološki dejavniki, funkcionalna sposobnost organizma, sistemi in deli telesa, vpliv okolja, starost in spol športnika, psihološki dejavniki, taktika in tehnika teka, prehrana in voda. Tudi s procesom treniranja vplivamo na povečanje psihofizičnih sposobnosti v vzdržljivostnem teku. Poznamo več metod treninga in vsaka ima specifičen vpliv na telo športnika. Pomembno vlogo ima kondicijska dejavnost tudi pri razvoju otrok, saj ima koristne in raznovrstne učinke na organizem otrok. Splošno oblikovan trening na začetku športne poti postopno prerašča v trening specialne vzdržljivosti. Optimalni napredek je pogojen tudi s treniranjem različnih sredstev za razvoj vseh motoričnih sposobnosti, saj ozka in le specialno usmerjena vadba omogoča hiter napredek, kasneje pa stagnacijo in pogoste poškodbe. Vse to lahko vodi k izgubi motivacije za treniranje in prehitremu koncu športne poti. Prav zaradi osipa mladih atletov in posledično pomanjkanja konkurence v članskih kategorijah v slovenski atletiki sem v raziskavi empiričnega dela s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika poiskala dejavnike, ki motivirajo mlade slovenske atlete za treniranje tekov na srednje in dolge proge in tudi tiste negativne dejavnike, ki jih odvračajo. Najpomembnejše ugotovitve so, da je pri večini atletov največji motiv za treniranje veselje do teka, verjamejo v uspeh brez dopinga in imajo cilj vztrajati do vrhunskih dosežkov. Tudi tekmujejo radi, ker jim je to izziv in jim uspeh ne pomeni le zmaga. S treniranjem so pridobili vztrajnost, s trenerji pa so v dobrih odnosih. 91 % atletov je navedlo enega ali več negativnih dejavnikov, ki jih motijo. Najbolj jih moti prevelika tekmovalna trema, pogoste poškodbe, slabi pogoji za trening, premajhna finančna podpora klubov in premajhna konkurenca. To so področja, kjer bo za izboljšanje razmer v slovenski atletiki potrebno vložiti več truda in sredstev.


šport;atletika;treniranje;motivacija;tek;vzdržljivost;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Kočar]
UDC: 796(043.2)
COBISS: 17158664 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4369
Downloads: 504
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The theoretical part of the diploma thesis introduces the factors of success in the sports category long and middle distance running. The most important factors influencing the results in endurance running are the morphological and psychological factors, functional capacity of the organisms, systems and body parts, the impact of environment, age and gender of the athletes, their tactics and running technique, healthy nutrition and water. The psychophysical capacity in this category can be increased through proper training. There are different training methods and each has its own specific influence on an athlete's body. Activities that keep us in good condition are important for the physical development of children as well, for they have a positive influence on their organisms. General training at the beginning of one's sports carrier gradually outgrows into special endurance training. The optimal progress requires training with different instruments, which will ensure the development of all motoric abilities, because a too narrowly focused and specialized training can first show quick progress, but may later lead to stagnation, frequent injuries and consequently loss of training motivation and quick career ending. The decrease in the number of young athletes and consequently poor competition in the first Slovenian athletic team stimulated me to build the empirical part of this thesis on the study of motivation and diversion factors of young Slovene athletes competing in long and middle distance running. The study was based on a questionnaire showing that most athletes finds their motivation in the pleasure of running, trust in doping-free winning and pursuit of top results. They enjoy competing, for they see it as a challenge and do not measure their success on victory only. With training they gain on persistency and usually get along well with their coaches. However, 91 % of athletes also mentioned some negative aspects of competition such as stage fright, frequent injuries, poor training conditions, insufficient financial support of the clubs and poor competition. To improve the conditions in the Slovenian athletics, greater effort and more means would have to invested.
Secondary keywords: Sports;athletics;training;long and middle distance running;endurance;motivation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za športno treniranje
Pages: 91 f., [6] f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): the arts;recreation;entertainment;sport;umetnost;razvedrilo;zabava;šport;recreation;entertainment;games;sport;razvedrilo;zabava;igre;šport;sport;games;physical exercises;šport;športne igre;telesne vaje;
ID: 18055