vpliv vrednot na zasnovo arhitekturnega projekta
Lana Arih (Author), Aleš Vodopivec (Mentor), Gašper Medvešek (Co-mentor)


Arhitektura uteleša vrednote obdobja, v katerem je zgrajena, ter zrcali in replicira družbene odnose, iz katerih nastane. V magistrskem delu raziskujem, katere vrednote vplivajo na zasnovo arhitekturnega objekta, na kakšen način in s katerimi mehanizmi. V prvem sklopu zaključnega dela analiziram koncept vrednot z družboslovnega vidika – kako jih kategoriziramo, zakaj se pojavljajo in čemu služijo. V drugem sklopu koncept vrednot apliciram na arhitekturo. Z analizo literature in konkretnih arhitekturnih projektov skušam ugotoviti, katere vrednote so v arhitekturi prisotne in kako jih identificirati. Ker neživo nima motivacije in želja, arhitekturni objekt ne more imeti vrednot, lahko pa jih uteleša. Čigave vrednote uteleša arhitektura? Arhitekturni objekt je produkt dejanj živega, na primer arhitekta, ki prostor oblikuje v skladu s svojimi prepričanji in motivacijo. Vsaka odločitev, ki jo sprejme, je povezana z njegovo vrednostno naravnanostjo. Zato je neizbežno, da objekti utelešajo vrednote svojega snovalca. Ker se postopek arhitekturnega ustvarjanja zelo razlikuje glede na to, v katerem merilu se odvija, analiziram vpliv, ki ga ima merilo na utelešenje vrednot v arhitekturi. V zadnjem sklopu magistrskega dela ugotovitve iz teoretičnega dela prikažem z arhitekturnimi grafikami, v katerih se osredotočam na posamezne vrednote in jih obravnavam kot parameter, ki narekuje zasnovo in obliko arhitekturnega objekta. Cilj naloge je, da v obliki analize arhitekturnih objektov in sistemov, iz katerih ti nastanejo, prepoznam in analiziram nevidne vplive, ki usmerjajo sodobno arhitekturno snovanje. Z zavedanjem in prepoznavanjem smernic, ki vplivajo na naše oblikovanje, lahko zgradimo svet, ki je uglašen z vrednotami sodobnega sveta in želene prihodnosti.


vrednote;vrednote v arhitekturi;družbene vrednote;arhitekturno merilo;arhitekturni akterji;zakonodaja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FA - Faculty of Architecture
Publisher: [L. Arih]
UDC: 72.01:316.752(043.2)
COBISS: 157226243 Link will open in a new window
Views: 620
Downloads: 171
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Values in architecture
Secondary abstract: Architecture embodies values of the time in which it is built, and mirrors and replicates social relations which form it. In my master’s thesis, I investigate which values influence architectural design, in what ways and through which mechanisms. In the first part of the thesis, I analyse the concept of values from a sociological perspective – how they are categorised, why they occur and what purpose they serve. In the second part, I apply the concept of values to architecture. By analysing relevant literature and specific architectural projects, I try to identify which values appear in architecture and how to recognise them. The inanimate cannot have its own values, it can only embody them. So whose values does architecture embody? An architectural object is a product of the actions of the living; for example, an architect who designs a space according to their beliefs. It is therefore inevitable that every object embodies values of its designer. Since the process of architectural creation varies greatly according to the scale on which it takes place, I analyse the influence that scale has on the embodiment of values. In the final part of the thesis, I illustrate findings of the theoretical part with architectural graphics, in which I focus on individual values and consider them as a parameter that dictates the design and form of the architectural object. The aim of the thesis is to identify and analyse the invisible influences that guide contemporary architectural design in the form of an analysis of buildings and systems from which they emerge. By being aware of and recognising the forces that influence design, we can build a world that is attuned to values of the contemporary world and the desired future.
Secondary keywords: values;values in architecture;social values;architectural scale;architectural stakeholders;legislation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za arhitekturo
Pages: 82 str.
ID: 18076479
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