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Matic Ljubi (Author), Gregor Klančar (Mentor)


Z razvojom avtomatizirane proizvodnje so v transportu avtonomna vozila pridobila pomembno vlogo v logistični industriji. Za učinkovito delovanje robotskih vozil je potrebno dobro načrtovati poti, da zagotovimo njihovo optimalno delovanje in s tem posledično preprečimo morebitne konflikte. V delu predlagamo pristop planiranja poti, ki temelji na algoritmu SIPP. Algoritem SIPP je hitra oblika algoritma A* za načrtovanje v dinamičnih okoljih, s konceptom varnega intervala in najzgodnejših časov prihoda v vozlišče. Algoritem pri načrtovanju poti upošteva prioriteto vozil. Algoritem na začetku določi pot vozilu z najvišjo prioriteto, nato sledijo ostala vozila. Vsa nižje prioritetna vozila morajo pri svojem načrtovanju upoštevati časovne zasedenosti vozlišč in cest prehodnih vozil. V primeru, da algoritem vozilu določi čakanje, ta čakajo v vozlišču. V posodobljenem algoritmu vozila namesto čakanja v vozlišču čakajo na cesti pred vozliščem. Vozila s čakanjem na cesti omogočijo prost prehod ostalim vozilom mimo vozlišča in tako lahko hitreje dosežejo svoj cilj. V primeru, da na trenutni cesti ni dovolj prostora, da bi vsa vozila imela zagotovljeno varno čakanje, potem posodobljeni algoritem predlaga čakanje na predhodni cesti. Pristop planiranja poti vozil je prikazan na simulacijskih primerih.


avtonomna vodena vozila;algoritem SIPP;planiranje poti;varni in zasedeni intervali;čakanje;magisteriji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Ljubi]
UDC: 007.52(043.2)
COBISS: 143254787 Link will open in a new window
Views: 27
Downloads: 11
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Path planning of vehicles with different priorities based on the SIPP algorithm
Secondary abstract: Automated guided vehicles have gained an important role in the logistic industry with the development of automated production. For the efficient operation of robotics vehicles, it is necessary to plan routes well in order to ensure their optimal operation and thereby prevent potential conflicts. Is this work, we propose a route planning approach based on the SIPP algorithm. The SIPP algorithm is a fast form of the A* algorithm for scheduling in dynamic environments, with the concept of safe interval and earliest arrival times at a node. The algorithm takes into account the priority of vehicles when planning the route. The algorithm initially determines the path of the vehicle with the highest priority, then other vehicles follow. All lower priority vehicles must take into account the time occupation of node and roads of transit vehicles in their planning. If the algorithm assigns a waiting time to the vehicle, it waits in the node. In the updated algorithm, instead of waiting in the node, vehicles wait on the road in front of the node. By waiting on the road, vehicles allow free passage for other vehicles past the node and thus can reach their destination faster. In the event that there is not enough space on the current road for all vehicles to have a guaranteed safe waiting, then the updated algorithm suggests waiting on the previous road. The vehicle path planning approach is shown on simulation examples.
Secondary keywords: Automatic guided vehicles;algorithm SIPP;route planning;safe and busy intervals;waiting;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000316
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: XIV, 78 str.
ID: 18085099