magistrsko delo
Maša Rački (Author), Katja Eman (Mentor)


V vsakdanjem življenju na varnost prebivalcev lokalne skupnosti vpliva veliko dejavnikov in pojavov. Nekateri dejavniki in pojavi bolj ogrožajo varnost kot drugi, zato jih je pomembno opredeliti, poiskati vzroke zanje in jih preprečiti. Pri tem so ključnega pomena subjekti zagotavljanja varnosti na lokalni ravni, kot so policija, civilna zaščita, zasebnovarnostna podjetja, redarstvo, občinska inšpekcija, varnostni sosveti, gasilci in drugi. Pomembni so tudi ukrepi zagotavljanja varnosti, kot so občinski program varnosti in spletni portali, kjer občani dajo pobudo za rešitev varnostnega problema, ter druge oblike zagotavljanja varnosti. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kateri pojavi prebivalcem občine Grosuplje predstavljajo problem. V teoretičnem delu naloge sta uporabljeni deskriptivna metoda in metoda kompilacije, s katerima smo pregledali domačo in tujo literaturo ter na podlagi ugotovitev pisnih virov predstavili preučevano tematiko. V empiričnem dlu smo z anketnim vprašalnikom ugotovili, kolikšno stopnjo zaupanja imajo občani Grosupljega v subjekte zagotavljanja varnosti ter kateri varnostni pojavi in v kolikšni meri jim predstavljajo varnostni problem. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da prebivalci občine Grosuplje najbolj zaupajo prostovoljnim in poklicnim gasilcem, najmanj pa Komisiji za reševanje romske problematike in občinskemu redarstvu. Največji varnostni problem jim predstavljajo Romi in divja odlagališča, najmanjši pa homoseksualci in prireditve na prostem.


lokalne skupnosti;varnostni problemi;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [M. Rački]
UDC: 351.78(043.2)
COBISS: 145040387 Link will open in a new window
Views: 23
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Safety issues of Municipality Grosuplje
Secondary abstract: In a daily life, there are a lot of factors and occurances that can affect safety of residents in the local community. Some are bigger threat than others and that is why is important to define these factors and occurances, find cause for them and try to prevent them. Of key importance are subjects that provide security on local level. These are the police, civil defense, private security companies, municipal security, municipal inspectorate, security comittees, firefighters and other subjects that provide safety and prevent criminality. There are also important measures that provide safety and these are municipal programme of safety and web portals, where citizens can give an initiative for a solution of safety problem, and other forms of providing security. The aim of this dissertation is to find out which occurances present a safety problem to residents of Municipality of Grosuplje. In theoretical part of dissertation we used the discriptive method and the method of compilation, in the context of which we examined the Slovenian and foreign literature and on the foundation from findings of written sources we presented the analyzed theme. In empirical part we found out what level of trust have residents of Municipality of Grosuplje in subjects that provide security and which security occurances present them security problem and on what level. We did this with the help of results. Survey results indicated that the residents of the Municipality of Grosuplje trust the most in voluntary and professional firefighters and the least trust they have in the Committee for solving issues regarding the Roma and the municipal security. The biggest security problems for them are Roma and illegal waste dumps and the smallest problems are homosexuals and outdoor events.
Secondary keywords: Varnost;Romi;Grosuplje (Slovenija ; občina);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: IX f., 87, [8] str.
ID: 18264406