diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Polona Rebernik (Author), Maja Jere (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo je nastalo z namenom prikaza policijskega dela z uporabo družbenih omrežij, ki jih posamezniki dandanes uporabljamo bodisi za krajšanje časa, vzpostavitev stikov, promoviranje, deljenje fotografij, videov in glasbe. Zaključno delo prikaže, kako so družbena omrežja vplivala na sprejem policijskega dela med prebivalci ter kako vzajemno lahko policija sodeluje z njimi. V prvem delu diplomskega dela je pojasnjeno kaj družbena omrežja so, vrste in njihov namen oziroma možnosti njihove uporabe. Predvsem je njihova uporaba precej enostavna in splošno zelo razširjena, zato predstavlja dober in uspešen kanal medsebojne komunikacije. Prav zaradi preprostosti uporabe in možnost hitrega širjenja informacij se družbenih omrežij poslužuje tudi Slovenska policija. Pozitivna lastnost družbenih omrežij je tudi dvosmerna komunikacija, ki omogoča zbiranje informacij o morebitnih pogrešanih osebah, prometnih nesrečah s pobegom, iskanju storilcev kaznivih dejanj ipd. Največji odziv dosežemo preko priljubljenih družbenih omrežij, kot je npr. Facebook, kjer ima svoj profil večji delež prebivalstva. S tem je namen hitrega deljenja informacij dosežen. Prav tako gre omeniti, da se objave na družbenih omrežjih prilagajajo glede na namen in situacijo obveščanja. Nadaljevanje diplomskega dela vključuje delno strukturirana intervjuja z bivšo predstavnico za odnose z javnostmi na Generalni policijski upravi mag. Vesno Drole ter z bivšim predstavnikom za odnose z javnostjo Policijske uprave Kranj mag. Bojanom Kosom. Iz pridobljenih statističnih podatkov pa je moč razbrati starost populacije, ki spremlja strani Slovenske policije na družbenih omrežjih in tako odgovori na zastavljeno eno izmed treh hipotez.


slovenska policija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [P. Rebernik]
UDC: 351.74(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 145054979 Link will open in a new window
Views: 29
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Slovenian police on social networks
Secondary abstract: This thesis was done with the aim of showing police work using social networks, which individuals use either to pass the time, make contacts, promote, to share photos, videos and music. The thesis shows how social networks influenced the acceptance of police work among citizens and cooperation between them and the police. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the explanation on what social networks are, is presented, their types and their purpose and the possibility of their use. Above all, the use of social media is quite simple and generally widespread, which is why it represents a good and successful channel of mutual communication. Ease of use and the possibility of rapid flow of information is one of the main reasons that social networks are also used by the Slovenian police. Two-way communication on social media channels is also a big advantage, which enables the collection of information about possible wrong persons, hit-and-run traffic accidents, the search for wanted criminals, etc. The greatest response is achieved through popular social networks, such as Facebook, where a larger share of the population is actively using it. With this, the purpose of quick information sharing is achieved. It should also be noted that posts on social networks are adjusted according to the purpose and situation of the notification. In the research part of the thesis we conduct partially structured interviews with the former representative for public relations at the General Police Administration, mag. Vesna Drole and the former public relations representative of the Kranj Police Administration mag. Bojan Kos. From the obtained statistical data, it is possible to understand the age of the population that follows the pages of the Slovenian Police on social networks, thus answering one of the three hypotheses.
Secondary keywords: Policija;Družbena omrežja;Odnosi z javnostmi;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VIII f., 55 str.
ID: 18275426
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