diplomsko delo
Sara Gabrič (Author), Bojan Borstner (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu so obravnavani najpogostejši argumenti za obstoj boga. Vsak izmed njih je natančno predstavljen, s čimer se lahko pride do lažje analize le teh. Cilj diplomskega dela je zavrniti te argumente in dokazati, da bog ne obstaja, oziroma da ga je nemogoče dokazati. Glede na to da mora vsak, ki trdi nekaj, v kar ostali ne verjamejo, dokazati, tako ali drugače, se zdi, da takoj, ko se argumenti zavrnejo, pade tudi teizem, dokler se spet ne najdejo posamezniki, ki poizkušajo z različnimi argumenti spet dokazati nasprotno. Ni v posameznikih, ki ne verjamejo v obstoj boga, da dokazujejo neobstoj, ampak je v tistih, ki vanj verjamejo, da dokažejo obstoj. Najbolj znani argumenti, ki dokazujejo božji obstoj in so predstavljeni v tem delu, so ontološki, kozmološki, teleološki argument ter argument osebne izkušnje in argument Sv. pisma. Pri ontološkem argumentu gre za to, da je po vseh značilnostih bog najboljši, najpopolnejši in vsemogočen. Iz tega izhaja, da bi bilo nemogoče, da takšno bitje ne bi obstajalo. Kozmološki argument poudarja prisotnost vzročnosti, torej da ima vse svoj vzrok. Da se tukaj izključi neskončna regresija, saj nekje mora biti začetek, se vključi bog kot tisti prvi vzrok. Teleološki argument, ki se imenuje tudi smotrni, dokazuje obstoj boga s pomočjo vesolja. Trdi namreč, da je vesolje tako neverjetno ustvarjeno, da mora imeti božanskega stvarnika, ki je vse to ustvaril. Argument osebne izkušnje temelji na dokazovanju božjega obstoja na osnovi posameznikov, ki so imeli takšna in drugačna srečanja z božjim. Torej na osnovi osebnih izkušenj posameznika, se sklepa na obstoj boga, v katerega naj bi vsi verjeli. Argument Sv. pisma temelji na pričevanjih najstarejše knjige, ki naj bi obstajala. Enostavno povedano gre za to, da je ta knjiga dana od boga in to dokazuje njegov obstoj in da je v knjigi zapisano, da bog obstaja, torej naj bi obstajal. Če ne bi bila knjiga resnična, se naj ne bi ohranila toliko let. Vsak izmed naštetih argumentov ima svoje dobre in slabe strani, kar se tiče verjetnosti. V diplomskem delu so tako obravnavani vsi našteti argumenti in ugovori različnih avtorjev, ki so se z leti nabrali. Tako je s pomočjo različnih avtorjev diplomsko delo osredotočeno na to, da se zavrže argumente in dokaže, da bog ne obstaja.


filozofija;teizem;Bog;eksistenca;popolnost;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Gabrič]
UDC: 1(043.2)
COBISS: 17486856 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2616
Downloads: 387
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Objections against theism
Secondary abstract: The thesis introduces the most common arguments for the existence of God. Each of them is presented in details, which may lead to better analysis of those. The aim is to reject these arguments and to prove that God does not exist, or that its existence is impossible to prove. Given that anyone who claims something, which the rest do not believe in, should prove, in one way or another, that they are correct. It appears that once the arguments are rejected also the theism falls until some individuals again try to prove the contrary with different arguments. It is not in the individuals who do not believe in the existence of God to prove his non-existence, but in those who believe in him to demonstrate and prove that. The most famous arguments in proving God's existence that are also included in this work are ontological, cosmological and teleological arguments, the argument from personal experience and the argument from the Bible. The ontological argument introduces us to God as the greatest, the most perfect and the most powerful being. Therefore, it would be impossible that such a being would not exist. The cosmological argument emphasizes the presence of causality, which means that everything has its cause. In order to exclude the infinite regression as there is a beginning somewhere; God is the one, who is included as the first cause. The teleological argument tries to prove the existence of God through the universe. It is claimed that the universe is so incredibly created that it must have been created by a divine creator. The argument from personal experience is based on proving God's existence on individuals who have had different encounters with God. Based on personal experience of some individuals, it is assumed that God exists. The argument from the Bible is based on the testimonies of supposedly the oldest existing book. To put it simply, the point is that this book is given from God and this should prove his existence and if the book says that God exists, therefore, he does exist. If the book were not true, it would not be maintained for so many years. Each of these arguments has its good and bad sides in terms of probability. The thesis includes all the listed arguments and the objections of various authors, which have accumulated over the years. Therefore the thesis focuses on the rejection of these arguments supported by various authors in order to prove that God does not exist.
Secondary keywords: Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za filozofijo
Pages: 58 f.
Keywords (UDC): philosophy;psychology;filozofija;psihologija;
ID: 18376
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