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Ana Valant (Author), Vedran Hadžić (Reviewer), Petra Prevc (Consultant), Saša Cecić Erpič (Mentor)


Bolečina je ena najbolj raziskovanih tem na področju zdravja in dobrega počutja. Po definiciji Mednarodnega združenja za proučevanje bolečine (Raja idr., 2020) je bolečina neprijetna čutna in čustvena zaznava, povezana z dejansko ali potencialno poškodbo tkiva. Kineziologi smo, kot strokovnjaki za gibanje in rehabilitacijo v poznih fazah, pri našem delu pogosto vpeti v kronično bolečino posameznika. Prav tako je bolečina razlog, da ljudje iščejo pomoč in usmeritve pri nas. Vedenje in razumevanje tovrstne tematike je torej ključnega pomena. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil približati mehanizme tako akutne kot kronične mišično-skeletne bolečine in s tem dvigniti raven razumevanja le-te. Poudarek je bil, na podlagi raziskav, proučiti psihološke dejavnike, ki so pogosto zelo močno povezani s kronično bolečino in pojasniti pomen biopsihosocialnega modela na tem področju. Glavni cilj so bili prevodi vprašalnikov v slovenski jezik, ki bodo praksi pripomoglo k boljši anamnezi posameznika. Boljša anamneza posledično pomeni boljšo obravnavo posameznika in s tem učinkovitejšo rehabilitacijo. Tri vprašalnike smo prevedli v nalogi. Vsakemu vprašalniku sledijo še razlage rezultatov in njihova uporabnost.


šport;telesna dejavnost;bolečina;nevrobiološki mehanizem bolečine;mišično-skeletna bolečina;mehanizem mišično-skeletne kronične bolečine;psihološki vidiki;biopsihosocialni model;kronična bolečina;psihologija;vprašalniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [A. Valant]
UDC: 796.01:616-009.7-036.1
COBISS: 149091075 Link will open in a new window
Views: 37
Downloads: 15
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Psychological aspects of perception of chronic musculo-skeletal pain and measuring instruments for its assessment
Secondary abstract: Pain is one of the most researched topics in the field of health and well-being. According to the definition of the International Association for the Study of Pain (Raja et al., 2020), pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional perception associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Kinesiologists, as experts in movement and late-stage rehabilitation, are often involved in the persistant pain of individuals in our work. Pain is also the reason people seek help and guidance from us. Knowledge and understanding of this type of topic is therefore crucial. The aim of the following work was to approximate the mechanisms of both acute and persistant musculo-sceletal pain and thereby raise the level of understanding of it. The focus was, on the basis of research, to examine psychological factors that are often strongly related to persistant pain and to explain the importance of the biopsychosocial model in this area. The main goal was the translation of the questionnaires into Slovenian, which in practice will contribute to a better anamnesis of the individual. A better anamnesis consequently means better treatment of the individual and thus more effective rehabilitation. We translated the three questionnaires in the assignment. Each questionnaire is followed by explanations of the results and their usefulness.
Secondary keywords: sport;pain;persistant pain;psychology;biopsychosocial model;questinnaires;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 112 str.
ID: 18518999