magistrsko delo
Pegasti badelj spada med eno najbolj cenjenih zdravilnih rastlin, ki se je razširila že skoraj po vsem svetu. V semenih pegastega badlja se skriva mešanica flavonolignanov, ki jih s skupnim imenom imenujemo silimarin.
Ekstrakcija silimarina iz pegastega badlja poteka v dveh stopnjah, saj semena vsebujejo tudi veliko maščob in jih je treba predhodno razmastiti. Razmaščevanje običajno poteka s pomočjo heksana. V tem magistrskem delu smo za razmaščevanje uporabili še druga topila in metodo hladnega stiskanja. V ekstrahiranih oljih smo določevali tudi vsebnost tokoferolov in topil. Kot pričakovano smo dokazali, da je metoda hladnega stiskanja najbolj ugodna, saj ohrani sestavo in kvaliteto olja ter je za zdravje in okolje najmanj škodljiva.
V nadaljevanju smo želeli optimirati ekstrakcijo silimarina iz razmaščenih semen. Najprej smo določili najboljše topilo, za katero se je izkazal aceton. Nato smo z računalniškim programom Design Expert določili optimalno temperaturo, čas ekstrakcije in razmerje topilo : material. Ugotovili smo, da se vsebnost silimarina s temperaturo niža, viša z višanjem razmerja topilo : material in da vsebnost začne padati po 11 urah ekstrakcije.
V ekstraktih smo določili tudi vsebnost ogljikovih hidratov, vsebnost totalnih fenolov in antioksidativno aktivnost. Predhodno smo predvideli, da bo ekstrakt pridobljen iz materiala, ki je bil predhodno razmaščen z metodo hladnega stiskanja, imel najboljše lastnosti in imel najvišjo antioksidativno aktivnost. To trditev smo v magistrskem delu tudi potrdili.
pegasti badelj;olje;silimarin;optimizacija postopka ekstrakcije;antioksidativna aktivnost;magistrske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
Publisher: |
[M. Hraš] |
UDC: |
66.061.3:[633.88:582.991](043.2) |
Views: |
42 |
Downloads: |
10 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Extraction of products from milk thistle (sylibum marianum |
Secondary abstract: |
Milk thistle belongs to one of the most valued medicinal plants and has already spread almost all over the world. The seeds of the milk thistle contain a mixture of flavonolignans, generally known as silymarin.
Generally the extraction of silymarin from milk thistle takes place in two stages, as the seeds also contains a lot of fats and must be previously defatted. Extraction of fats is usually done with hexane, while in this master's thesis, other solvents and the cold pressing method for degreasing were examined. In the extracted oil the content of tocopherols and solvents were determined. We proved that as expected the cold pressing method gives the best results, as it preserves the composition and quality of the oil and is the least harmful to human health and environment.
Furthermore, the aim was to optimize the extraction of silymarin from defatted seeds. First, we determined the best solvent, which proved to be acetone. Then the Design Expert 13 software was used to determine the optimal temperature, extraction time and solvent : material ratio. We found that the content of silymarin decreases with increasing temperature, increases with increasing solvent : material ratio and that the content starts to decrease after 11 hours of extraction.
The final extracts were analysed for carbohydrate content, total phenol content and antioxidant activity. It was expected, that the extract obtained from material, defatted by cold pressing would have the biggest content of silymarin and phenolic compounds and would possess the highest antioxidant activity. This claim was confirmed. |
Secondary keywords: |
milk thistle;silymarin;oil;optimization of extraction;Design Expert;antioxidant activity; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (102 f.)) |
ID: |
18523900 |