diplomsko delo
Nives Medved (Author), Sabina Šinko (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo izpostavlja lutko. Poleg njenih značilnosti in posebnosti smo se v največji meri osredotočali na vlogo otroka skozi proces projektnega dela, v sklopu katerih otrok uri in preizkuša prvine lutkovnega gledališča na vrtčevskem travnatem igrišču. Otroci so prvine lutkovnega gledališča prilagoditi v naravnem okolju ter med procesom ustvarili primere lutkovnih iger ali predstav ob upoštevanju lutkovnih in gledaliških značilnosti v različnih prostorih vrtčevskega travnatega igrišča. V teoretičnem delu smo navedli ključna teoretična izhodišča, ki se jih moramo zavedati ob tem, ko lutko vključimo v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces ter nakazali smernice projektnega dela. V praktičnem delu smo po etapah projekta izvedli projektno delo. Pri tem smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja ter metodo praktičnega dela. Na podlagi opazovanja otrok, ki so sodelovali v projektnem delu, potrjujemo prilagoditev otrokove lutkovne igre v naravnem okolju do te mere, ki jo posameznik za želeno igro potrebuje. Otroci, ki so sodelovali v projektnem delu, so bili predhodno skozi dnevno rutino seznanjeni z uporabo lutk, kar je predstavljalo osnovo za nadgraditev znanj in izvajanje izzivov v naravi ter preizkus lastnosti materialov, s katerimi so rokovali. Na podlagi opazovanja ocenjujemo, da je za lutkovno igro, ki je dobro zastavljena, otrok pripravljen prilagoditi prostor ter vse elemente, ki jih želi vpeljati ob močni veri v svojo lutko.


diplomska dela;kreativnost;izkustveno učenje;predšolski otroci;lutkovne tehnike;lutkovno gledališče;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Medved]
UDC: 373.2:792.97(043.2)
COBISS: 153557507 Link will open in a new window
Views: 219
Downloads: 23
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Puppet theatre in the kindergarten playground
Secondary abstract: The thesis exposes the puppet. In addition to its characteristics and specificities, we focused to the greatest extent on the role of the child through the project work process, in which the child watches and tests the essentials of the puppet theatre on the garden grass playground. Children adapted the characteristics of the puppet theatre in their natural surroundings and created examples of puppet games or performances during the process, taking into account the puppet and theatrical characteristics in the various rooms of the kindergarten grass playground. In the theoretical part, we have indicated key theoretical starting points, which we must be aware of when we include the puppet in the educational process and indicate the guidelines of the project work. In practical work, we carried out project work after the project stages. In doing so we used the descriptive method of pedagogical research and the method of practical work. Based on the observation of the children who participated in the project work, we confirm the adaptation of the child's puppet game in the natural environment to the extent that the individual needs for the desired game. Children who participated in the project work were previously familiar with the use of puppets through their daily routines, which provided the basis for upgrading knowledge and implementing challenges in nature and testing the properties of the materials with which they were handling. On the basis of observation, we estimate that for a puppet game that is well set, the child is willing to adjust the space and all the elements he or she wants to introduce along with the strong faith in his or her puppet.
Secondary keywords: theses;creativity;experiential learning;preschool children;puppet techniques;puppet theatre;Predšolska vzgoja;Lutkovno gledališče;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 73 str.))
ID: 18556170