Miha Dvojmoč (Author), Veronika Mrak (Author), Vanja Ida Govednik (Author)


Purpose: The aim of the study was to review the treatment of identical twins in crimes and to determine to what extent people notice the switch of identities, to what extent they can distinguish between twins, and what factors are related to the ability to distinguish them. Design/Methods/Approach: We carried out an analysis of literature and a case review about identification of identical twins in police procedures and for the purpose of the article, an online survey was conducted among the general public. Findings: In line with existing research, the survey showed that age, but not gender or length of acquaintance, was related to the ability to distinguish between twins. The ability to distinguish between twins is positively correlated with the observation of confusion between them. Our survey of the public found that the most common indicators for distinguishing between identical twins were facial features, behavior, a distinctive voice, and recognizable accessories. Research Limitations/Implications: A review of the literature on the identification and treatment of twins in relation to criminality reveals several gaps in knowledge. More attention should thus be paid to the problem in the future, possibly to establish criteria for prosecution and to raise awareness that such deviant behavior can occur. In our research, we conducted survey among general public in the future maybe a survey of the experts should be conducted for more comprehensive view of the issue. Among the proposals for further research, it would be reasonable to consider the analysis of cases of identical twins in police practice. Originality/Value: In our own research, we examined the factors associated with identity swapping among identical twins.


identical twins;distinction;identity switch;fraud;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
UDC: 343.525
COBISS: 148630275 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 2232-2981
Views: 4
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Identifikacija enojajčnih dvojčkov v policijskih postopkih
Secondary abstract: Namen: Namen prispevka je pregled obravnavanja enojajčnih dvojčkov pri kaznivih dejanjih in prikaz ugotovitev raziskave, v kolikšni meri ljudje opazijo zamenjavo identitete dvojčkov ter kateri dejavniki so povezani s sposobnostjo razlikovanja med njimi. Metode: Opravili smo analizo literature in pregled primerov o identifikaciji enojajčnih dvojčkov v policijskih postopkih, za namen prispevka pa smo izvedli tudi spletno anketo med širšo javnostjo. Ugotovitve: Ugotovili smo, da več kot polovica ljudi opaža zamenjavo identitete dvojčkov ter da je s sposobnostjo ločevanja med dvojčki povezana njihova starost, ne pa tudi trajanje poznanstva. Ravno sposobnost ločevanja med dvojčkoma je povezana z opažanjem zamenjave identitete, ne pa tudi spol dvojčkov. Raziskava je pokazala, da so najpogostejši identifikatorji razlikovanja med enojajčnimi dvojčki obrazne poteze, vedenje, značilen glas in drugi prepoznavni identifikatorji. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave: Pregled literature o identifikaciji in obravnavi dvojčkov v povezavi s kaznivimi ravnanji razkriva več vrzeli v znanju. Problemu bi bilo zato treba v prihodnje posvetiti več pozornosti in morda vzpostaviti merila za pregon in ozaveščanje, da do tovrstnih deviantnih vedenj ne bi prišlo. V prihodnje bi bilo treba izvesti tudi raziskavo med strokovnjaki za bolj celovit pregled problematike. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: V naši raziskavi smo preučili dejavnike, povezane z zamenjavo identitete med enojajčnimi dvojčki.
Secondary keywords: enojajčni dvojčki;ločevanje;zamenjava identitete;goljufanje;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 281–297
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ24
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ4
Chronology: 2022
ID: 18583893