diplomska naloga
Poškodba rotatorne manšete (v nadaljevanju: RM) je glavni razlog za bolečino in disfunkcijo v rami. Najpogosteje se pojavi v dominantni roki. Lahko se pojavi pri ponavljajočih se gibih nad glavo v športih, kot so plavanje, tenis, dvigovanje uteži, ali pri poklicih, ki so nagnjeni ponavljajočim se gibom, kot sta pleskanje in gradbeništvo. S starostjo pogostost poškodbe RM narašča. Simptomi so bolečina, izguba moči in omejitev gibljivosti. Težavno postane opravljanje vsakodnevnih opravil. Diagnozo postavimo z natančno anamnezo, ki ji sledi klinični pregled s testi, s katerimi lahko odkrijemo, katera izmed mišic RM je poškodovana. Diagnozo potrdimo z magnetno resonanco, ki je najnatančnejša preiskava za odkrivanje ruptur rotatorne manšete. Pokaže nam tudi debelino in velikost rupture. Zdravljenje ruptur RM je konzervativno ali operativno. Za zdravljenje ruptur RM se uporabljajo tri operativne tehnike, in sicer odprta, minimalno invazivna in artroskopska. Izbira operativne tehnike je odvisna od izkušenosti kirurga z določeno tehniko, velikosti rupture, kakovosti tkiva in bolnikovih potreb. Po operaciji potrebuje pacient natančno določeno in strokovno vodeno rehabilitacijo, ki traja več mesecev. Z analizo člankov smo ugotovili, da takojšna mobilizacija po operaciji ne da boljših končnih rezultatov rehabilitacije, temveč le boljše vmesne rezultate obsega gibljivosti pri poteku rehabilitacije. Prve tedne po operaciji se priporoča imobilizacija, šele po četrtem tednu se začne pasivna mobilizacija. Po sedmem tednu začnemo tudi aktivno mobilizacijo in pridobivanje mišične moči. Celotna rehabilitacija traja od šest do devet mesecev.
rotatorna manšeta;ramenski sklep;rehabilitacija;fizioterapija;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Publisher: |
[J. Justin] |
UDC: |
615.8 |
Views: |
27 |
Downloads: |
4 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Analysis of rehabilitation success of patient after rotator cuff surgery |
Secondary abstract: |
Rotator cuff injury is a significant cause of pain and dysfunction in the shoulder. It most commonly occurs in the dominant arm. It can occur in repetitive overhead movements in sports such as swimming, tennis, and weight lifting, or in occupations prone to repetitive movements such as painting and construction. The incidence of rotator cuff injury increases with age. Symptoms include pain and loss of strength. It becomes difficult to perform everyday tasks. Diagnosis is made by taking a detailed medical history, followed by a clinical examination with tests that can reveal which of the rotator cuff muscles is injured. The diagnosis is confirmed with an MRI, the most accurate test for detecting rotator cuff tears. It also shows the thickness and size of the tear. The treatment of rotator cuff tears is either conservative or operative. Three surgical techniques are used to treat rotator cuff tears: open, minimally invasive, and arthroscopic. The choice of surgical approach depends on the surgeon's experience with the technique, the tear size, the tissue quality, and the patient's needs. After surgery, the patient needs a well-defined and professionally guided rehabilitation period lasting several months. By analyzing the articles, we found that immediate mobilization after surgery does not give better final rehabilitation results but only better temporary results during the rehabilitation. Immobilization is recommended in the first weeks after surgery, and passive mobilization only after four weeks. This is followed by active mobilization and muscle strength building. The total rehabilitation period lasts from 6 to 9 months. |
Secondary keywords: |
motor neurone disease;rotator cuff;shoulder joint;rehabilitation;physiotherapy;diploma theses; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0020382 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika |
Pages: |
I, 30 str. |
ID: |
18883316 |