diplomsko delo
Simona Štrucl (Author), Franc Janžekovič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem izdelala predlog učne poti po Mariborskem otoku na Reki Dravi. Predhodno sem si ogledala teren, kjer sem določila primerne delovno opazovalne postaje, ovrednotila aktivnosti, ki jih je možno izvesti na Otoku, in ocenila varnostni vidik obiska. Z učnimi temami gozd in celinske vode, iz učnega načrta naravoslovje 7. razred in osnove ekologije in življenjska pestrost, iz učnega načrta biologija 8. razred, sem predstavila primer izvedbenega načrta za obisk učne poti v okviru naravoslovnega dne na Mariborskem otoku, za ciljno skupino 7. in 8. razred osnovne šole. V učnem načrtu je poudarjeno, da se naj teoretične osnove prepletajo z metodami neposrednega opazovanja, raziskovanja in eksperimentalnega dela, kar sem upoštevala v pripravi naravoslovnega dne. Za posamezno opazovalno delovno postajo sem izdelala naravoslovne aktivnosti v obliki delovno opazovalnih listov, s katerimi sem si prizadevala, da so vsi učenci aktivni pri delu na terenu in spoznajo naravo od blizu.


učne poti;učni načrti;terensko delo;Mariborski otok;naravoslovni dnevi;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [S. Štrucl]
UDC: 57/59(043.2)
COBISS: 18053640 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2213
Downloads: 278
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Learning Trail on Mariborski otok
Secondary abstract: I made in my graduation thesisa proposal of trails at Maribor's otok on river Drava. First I looked at the terrain, where I worked to establish an appropriate monitoring stations and evaluated the activities that can be done on the Maribor's otok. Then I estimated the safety aspect of the visit. I presented an example of an implementation plan for visiting the trails in the context of natural science day on Maribor's otok, with the leraning topics forest and inland waters of the 7th class curriculum of natural sciences and the basics of ecology and life diversity of the 8th class curriculum of biology. The 7th and 8th class of primary schoolwere the target group. The curriculumemphasizes the theoretical background to interact with the methods of direct observation, research and experimental work, which I took into consideration in the preparation of natural science day. I have made a science activity for each observation workstation in the form of work-observation sheets, with whom I efforted that all students are active at work in the terrain and learn about nature up close.
Secondary keywords: Maribor's otok;nature trail;curriculum;terrain work;natural science day;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VI, 73 f.
Keywords (UDC): mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;biological sciences in general;biologija;
ID: 18973
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