diplomsko delo
Tomaž Kurež (Author), Blanka Bošnjak (Mentor)


Minimalistične kratke zgodbe Polone Glavan in Andreja Blatnika zaokrožajo temeljne lastnosti postmoderne dobe, hkrati pa ji dodeljujejo samosvoj in individualen pečat. Diplomsko delo z naslovom Kratka proza Polone Glavan in Andreja Blatnika je sestavljeno iz motivno-tematskih analiz posameznih kratkih zgodb, začenši z zbirko Gverilci Polone Glavan, nadaljuje pa se s štirimi zbirkami Andreja Blatnika: Biografije brezimenih, Šopki za Adama venijo, Menjave kož in Zakon želje. Iz podrobnih posameznih analiz je ugotovljeno, da vsebujejo kratke zgodbe Polone Glavan in Andreja Blatnika zgradbene elemente splošnih lastnosti kratke proze slovenske literarne postmoderne, kot tudi dejstvo, da kaotična metafizika Polone Glavan ni splet naključnih dejavnikov, ampak temeljno odseva prikrito obsesijo minevanja, ponavljajočih se življenjskih vzorcev in osebnostne, socialne ter kulturne identitete. Prav tako je izpostavljeno in ugotovljeno dejstvo, da se literarni ustroj Blatnikovega ustvarjanja spreminja iz zbirke v zbirko; temeljne spremembe razvojnega toka se kažejo v tematiki zgodb in skozi razločevalne tipološke elemente literarne postmoderne (modernizem, postmodernizem, minimalizem in intimizem). V pričujočem diplomskem delu je prav tako ugotovljeno, da so Blatnikove literarne osebe v svoji eksistenci podrejene nenehnemu iskanju cilja, ki bi osmislil njihovo bivanje, prav tako je podano tudi dejstvo, da je kratka proza Polone Glavan in Andreja Blatnika sestavljena iz treh sestavin, ki zaokrožajo bistvo eksistencialne tematike: iz (anti)junakov kot nosilcev nekega cilja, iz sveta, ki ima pomen eksistence brez pravega smisla, junaki pa poskušajo v njem doseči identiteto bivanja in bistva ter iz bistva, smisla, metafizične biti, ki se reproducira v junakovih ciljih in katerim je treba prilagoditi bivanje.


slovenska književnost;Glavan, Polona;Blatnik, Andrej;kratka proza;postmodernizem;kratke zgodbe;minimalizem;motivi;teme;eksistencializem;literarne osebe;tipološki elementi;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Kurež]
UDC: 821.163.6(043.2)
COBISS: 18061576 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3816
Downloads: 1067
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Polona Glavan's and Andrej Blatnik's minimalistic short stories complete the fundamental characteristics of the postmodern era and grant them unique and individual character. The thesis entitled Polona Glavan's and Andrej Blatnik's short prose is composed of motivic-thematic analysis of individual short stories. It starts with Polona Glavan's short story collection Gverilci, and continues with four collections of Andrej Blatnik: Biografije brezimenih, Šopki za Adama venijo, Menjave kož and Zakon želje. Detailed individual analysis show that Polona Glavan's and Andrej Blatnik's short stories contain structural elements that express the general characteristics of short stories in the Slovenian postmodern era of literature, as well as the fact that chaotic metaphysics which appears in Polona Glavan's stories is not a mixture of random factors, but reflects a fundamental obsession of life's passing, repetitive life samples and personal, social and cultural identity. The thesis also exposes the fact that the literary structure of Blatnik's creation changes and vary from collection to collection; fundamental changes in current development are reflected in the stories and themes through distinctive typological features of postmodern literature (modernism, postmodernism, minimalism and intimism). The present thesis also unveils the fact that the literary protagonists that appear in Blatnik's short prose are in a constant search for objective, which would give certain meaning to their shallow existence as well as the fact that Polona Glavan's and Andrej Blatnik's short prose consists of three components that complete the core of existential theme: (anti) heroes are the carriers of a certain goal; a world has the meaning of existence without any real meaning and in such a world the protagonists try to achieve the essence of identity of their own living and place; the essence itself, the metaphysical being, which is reproduced in the objectives that protagonists provide and to whom the existence itself should be adapted.
Secondary keywords: postmodern era;Slovenian short narrative prose;short stories;minimalism;motive;theme;existential theme;literary personas;typological elements;Polona Glavan;Andrej Blatnik.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: 179 f.
Keywords (UDC): language;linguistics;literature;jezikoslovje;filologija;književnost;literature;književnost;literatures of individual languages and language families;književnost posameznih jezikov;literature of slavic (slavonic) languages;slovanske književnosti;south slavic / slavonic literatures;južnoslovanske književnosti;slovenian literature;slovenska književnost;
ID: 18987