diplomsko delo
Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, ali (ne)pripadnost katolištvu ali islamu vpliva na stališča glede družbene vloge žensk. Pri tem avtorica izhaja iz strokovne literature različnih avtorjev (Franzmann, Jogan, Inglehart in Norris), ki navajajo, da obstaja korelacija med religijo in podrejenim položajem žensk v družbi. V okviru tega nekateri avtorji (Inglehart in Norris) ugotavljajo, da so ženske v okvirih katolištva in islama deležne podrejenega položaja, pri čemer pa je položaj žensk v pretežno katoliških družbah v primerjavi s položajem žensk v pretežno muslimanskih družbah občutno bližje idealu družbene enakosti moških in žensk. Na podlagi teh ugotovitev se je v empiričnem delu preverjalo, ali afiliati bolj poudarjajo specifične družbene vloge za ženske kot neafiliati in ali muslimani bolj poudarjajo specifične družbene vloge za ženske kot katoliki. Za ugotavljanje vpliva religije na vlogo žensk v družbi je bila uporabljena metoda sekundarne analize podatkov. Konkretno je, na podlagi izbranih spremenljivk, bila izvedena analiza rezultatov Svetovne raziskave vrednot, zbranih od leta 1999 do 2004. Rezultati so bili obdelani s pomočjo programa SPSS Statistics 17.0. Skozi empirično raziskavo sta potrjeni obe hipotezi: (1) posamezniki, ki ne pripadajo nobeni religiji, bistveno manj poudarjajo pomen specifičnih družbenih vlog za ženske v primerjavi s posamezniki, ki pripadajo islamski ali katoliški veroizpovedi; (2) pri pripadnikih islamske veroizpovedi je v primerjavi s pripadniki katoliške veroizpovedi poudarjanje specifičnih družbenih vlog za ženske bolj izraženo. Iz tega vidika je potrjeno, da ima (ne)pripadnost katolištvu ali islamu velik vpliv na stališča glede družbene vloge žensk.
sociologija;teologija;islam;katolištvo;žensko vprašanje;ženske;družbena vloga;pripadnost;vera;religija;spolne vloge;neenakopravnost;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2010 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[M. Faljić] |
UDC: |
316(043.2) |
Views: |
2944 |
Downloads: |
426 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
The purpose of the current study is to find out if the (non)affiliation to Islamic or Catholic religious denomination affects the attitudes about social roles of women. The author derives from the works by different authors (Franzmann, Jogan, Inglehart and Norris) who claim, that there is a correlation between religion and subor-dinate role of women in society. With regard to this the authors (Inglehart and Norris) identify that women in Islam and Catholicism have a subordinate role; however the role of women in mostly Catholic societies is compared to women in mostly Islamic societies much closer to the ideal of social equality between men and women. Based on these findings, the purpose of the empirical part of this study was to ascertain if the affiliates emphasize the specific social roles of women in a greater extent than the non-affiliates and if the Muslims emphasize the specific social roles of women more than the Catholics. In order to find out the influence of religion on the role of women in society the secondary data analysis method was used which was carried out on a base of specific variables. The data was taken from the World Values Survey and was collected from 1999 to 2004. The results were processed with the SPSS Statistics 17.0 program. Two hypotheses are confirmed trough the empirical research: (1) individuals who do not belong to any religion emphasize the meaning of specific social roles of women much less compared to individuals who belong to Islamic or Catholic religious domination; (2) emphasizing specific social roles of women is more common among Islamic affiliates than among Catholic affiliates. In this context, it is confirmed, that the (non)affiliation to Islamic or Catholic religious denomination has a great affect on the attitudes about social roles of women. |
Secondary keywords: |
religion;gender roles;social roles of women;inequality;Catholicism;Islam.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo |
Pages: |
77 f. |
Keywords (UDC): |
social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija; |
ID: |
19024 |