diplomsko delo
Ksenija Klopčič (Author), Mihaela Brumen (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu so predstavljena različna teoretična izhodišča, ki so v zadnjih sto letih pustila pečat na področju inteligentnosti. Podrobneje je predstavljen novejši pristop pojmovanja inteligentnosti - Gardnerjeva teorija mnogoterih inteligentnosti, porajajoča se mnenja o teoriji in uporaba le-te v izobraževanju. Empirična raziskava diplomskega dela se nanaša na rezultate reševanja testa mnogoterih inteligentnosti, torej katere inteligentnosti v večji meri učenci v drugem triletju OŠ uporabljajo pri učenju pri vseh učnih predmetih; stališča učencev o tem, katere dejavnosti posamezne inteligentnosti učitelji vključujejo pri pouku angleškega jezika na razredni stopnji; katere pogrešajo oz. jih je premalo, da bi si bolje zapomnili učno snov, in povezanost med inteligentnostmi, ki jih učenci v drugem triletju uporabljajo, ter med dejavnostmi posamezne inteligentnosti, ki jih učitelji pri pouku angleškega jezika na razredni stopnji vključujejo. Rezultati so pokazali, da učenci pri učenju uporabljajo največ medosebno, osebno in naravoslovno inteligentnost. Učitelji pri pouku angleškega jezika vključujejo največ dejavnosti jezikovne, medosebne in prostorske inteligentnosti in najmanj dejavnosti naravoslovne inteligentnosti, zato so učenci navajali, da si najbolj želijo dejavnosti naravoslovne inteligentnosti. Pri večini rezultatov ni statistično značilne korelacije med posameznimi inteligentnostmi in dejavnostmi inteligentnosti. Statistično značilni pozitivni korelaciji sta se pojavili le pri korelaciji med logično-matematično inteligentnostjo in dejavnostmi logično-matematične inteligentnosti ter pri korelaciji med naravoslovno inteligentnostjo in dejavnostmi naravoslovne inteligentnosti, a prav dejavnosti teh dveh inteligentnosti sta najmanj vključeni pri pouku angleškega jezika na razredni stopnji. Torej več kot bodo učitelji pri pouku angleškega jezika na razredni stopnji vključevali dejavnosti naravoslovne in logično-matematične inteligentnosti, več bodo učenci drugega triletja uporabljali ti dve inteligentnosti pri učenju angleškega jezika.


razredni pouk;angleščina;pouk;osnovne šole;drugo triletje;inteligentnost;teorije;Gardnerjeva teorija;dejavnosti;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Trbovlje
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Klopčič]
UDC: 37(043.2)
COBISS: 18121736 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3352
Downloads: 260
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This thesis introduces various theoretical starting points that earmarked the field of intelligence in the last century. The more recent approach to understanding intelligence, i.e. Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, is outlined in detail, as well as opinions arising on this theory and its use for educational purposes. The empirical research of this thesis relies on the results achieved in the Multiple Intelligences Test, which intelligences are predominantly used by students in the second cycle of primary school in all subjects; which individual intelligences in the students' opinions are integrated by teachers in English language classes on lower primary school level and which they miss or are too scarcely used for better memorizing some learning material, as well as the relation between the intelligences used by students in the second cycle and the activities of individual intelligences used by English language teachers on lower primary school level. The results have shown that students mostly use interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic intelligence. However, teachers mostly include activities related to linguistic, interpersonal and spatial intelligences in their English language classes and most rarely use activities of naturalistic intelligence. That is why the students indicated that they wish more activities of naturalistic intelligence. Most of the results show no statistically significant correlation between individual types of intelligences and activities of intelligences. The only two positive correlations with statistical significance were the correlation between logical-mathematical intelligence and activities of logical-mathematical intelligence, and the correlation between naturalistic intelligence and activities of naturalistic intelligence. Precisely the activities of these two intelligences are to the least extent integrated in English language classes on lower primary school level. This leads us to conclude that the more English teachers on lower primary school level will integrate the activities of naturalistic and logical-mathematical intelligences in their classes the more students in the second cycle will use these two types of intelligences in learning English language.
Secondary keywords: theories of intelligences;Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences;multiple intelligences test;integration of activities of multiple intelligences in English language classes in the second cycle of primary school;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 99 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;education;vzgoja in izobraževanje;šolstvo;pouk;
ID: 19071