diplomsko delo
Ervin Potnik (Author), Sonja Škornik (Mentor), Nataša Pipenbaher (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo proučevali vegetacijo na smučarski progi Mašin žaga (Rogla, Pohorje, SV Slovenija). Proga je nastala leta 1980 na mestu nekdanjega gozda oz. delno na mestu, kjer so bili oligotrofni travniki. Osnovna cilja diplomskega dela sta (1) primerjava floristične sestave in spektrov življenjskih strategij rastlin (definirane po Grime-ovem C-S-R modelu) v sestojih travišč na smučišču Mašin žaga, ki so se razvili v procesu naravne sukcesije v zadnjih 30 letih glede na globino tal (plitka in globoka tla), ter (2) ugotoviti, kakšne so podobnosti oz. razlike v floristični sestavi ter C-S-R ekoloških strategijah rastlin med travišči na smučarski progi Mašin žaga ter travišči vitalne združbe volkov (asociacija Homogyno-Nardetum) v okolici. Analizirali smo 55 fitocenoloških popisov travišč na smučarski progi in tipičnih oligotrofnih travišč (asociacije Homogyne-Nardetum) v okolici. Za 11 od skupno 57 popisanih rastlinskih vrst na proučevanih traviščih smo določili C-S-R ekološke strategije rastlin. DCA analiza floristične sestave travišč je pokazala, da se popisi na plitkih in globokih tleh smučišča Mašin žaga med sabo dobro ločijo, in da je floristična sestava popisov na plitkih tleh bolj podobna traviščem volkov v okolici. Na traviščih smučarske proge Mašin žaga in traviščih v okolici smučišča prevladujejo vrste s CR, CSR, SC ter SC/CSR in R/CR strategijami. Primerjava C-S-R funkcionalnih oznak travišč na smučarski progi je pokazala, da je v popisih na bolj plitkih tleh višji delež S komponente ter nižji delež C komponente v primerjavi s popisi na bolj globokih tleh. Domnevamo lahko o bolj stresnih razmerah na plitkih tleh smučarske proge, saj so takšna tla revna s hranilnimi snovmi, močno zakisana in občasno tudi zelo suha. Delež R komponente v preučevanih traviščih potrjuje, da so to rastišča, ki so občasno podvržena motnjam (vsakoletnemu mulčenju, teptanju in vsem aktivnostim, povezanih s smučanjem). Prav tako smo ugotovili, da so funkcionalne oznake vegetacije na plitkih tleh Mašin žage bolj primerljive s funkcionalnimi oznakami suhih travišč v okolici smučarske proge (zaradi večje podobnosti rastiščnih razmer) kot v primeru globljih tal.


biologija;travišča;flora;sestava;rastline;funkcionalne poteze;ekologija;Pohorje;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [E. Potnik]
UDC: 57/59(043.2)
COBISS: 18200072 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3283
Downloads: 323
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The functional basis of a secondary succession on the Rogla ski slope (PohorjeMTs., NE Slovenia)
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis we examined the vegetation on the Mašinžaga ski slope (Rogla, Pohorje, North-East Slovenia). The ski slope was built in 1980 partly on the spot where there used to be a forest and partly on the spot where there used to be oligotrophic grasslands (association Homogyno-Nardetum). The basic objectives of this diploma were (1) to compare floristic composition and spectrums of plant life strategies (as defined by Grime's C-S-R model) between grasslands stands on the Mašinžaga ski slope which developed during natural succession in the last 30 years, according to soil depth (deep and shallow soil) and (2) to define the similarities or differences in the floristic composition and C-S-R ecological strategies of plants between the grasslands on the Mašinžaga ski slope and the grasslands of the vital community Homogyno-Nardetum nearby. We analyzed 55 phytocoenological inventories of the grasslands on the ski slope and of the Homogyno-Nardetum grasslands. We determined C-S-R ecological strategies for 11 plant species of the investigated grasslands. DCA analysis of the floristic composition showed clear differences between inventories sampled on the shallow and on the deep soil of the Mašinžaga ski slope and that the floristic composition of the grassland stands which developed on the shallow soil is more similar to the grasslands of the typical oligotrophic dry grasslands in the area. We also found that CR, CSR, SC, SC/CSR and R/CR are the prevailing plant life strategies on the studied grasslands. Comparisons of C-S-R functional signatures of grasslands on the ski slope showed that there is a higher share of S component and a lower proportion of C component in the inventories form the shallow soil when compared to the inventories of deeper soil. These results suggest that stress conditions are more severe on the shallow soil due to lower soil nutrients availability, low pH and dry soil conditions. Occurrence of ruderals in the studied grasslands also confirmed that these are habitats which are occasionally subject to disturbances (e. g. yearly mulching, grazing, mowing and all the activities related to skiing). We also found that the functional signatures of the vegetation developed on shallow soil on Mašinžaga are more similar to the functional signatures of the typical dry grasslands in the area (due to more comparable habitat conditions) in comparison to the vegetation stands on deeper soils.
Secondary keywords: grasslands;Homogyno-Nardetum;floristic composition;plant functional traits;C-S-R ecological strategies of plants;functional signature;DCA;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: IX, 58 f.
Keywords (UDC): mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;biological sciences in general;biologija;
ID: 19112