magistrsko delo
Ples predstavlja in zajema široko polje možnosti raziskovanja - od kretenj, gibov, mimike, gestike in drugih telesnih premikov do prikazovanja različnih čustvenih stanj in občutij. V nadaljevanju se v magistrskem delu ukvarjamo s pomenom plesne dejavnosti za razvoj otroka v 1. vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. Najprej teoretično opredelimo plesno dejavnost - pri tem se dotaknemo njenega nastanka, razvoja in vpliva na družbo s posebnim poudarkom na pomenu plesa pri otrocih v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. Potem svoje raziskovanje premaknemo na praktični del magistrskega dela, pri katerem je sodelovalo 20 otrok, od tega 10 deklic in 10 dečkov. Izvedli smo 6 učnih ur interesne dejavnosti - plesa. Za ugotovitev pomena plesa pri otrocih smo uporabili vprašalnik, kjer smo raziskovali splošno znanje otrok o plesu pred in po izvedbi učnih ur in kriterije, s čimer smo želeli dobiti objektiven uvid v otrokovo znanje in poznavanje plesne dejavnosti pred ter po izvedenih učnih urah. Preučevali smo otrokovo znanje o plesu, kreativnost, ritem, usklajenost, improvizacijo, ustvarjalnost, domišljijo in sodelovanje z drugimi. Rezultati kažejo, da po izvedbi strnjene plesne vadbe učenci razumejo ples mnogo bolj celostno in večplastno kot pred samo vadbo. Ugotoviti je mogoče, kako pomembna je plesna dejavnost za otroke - za njihov psiho-fizični razvoj in delovanje. Sama raziskava je pokazatelj, da je večja vključitev plesne dejavnosti v učni načrt ne le spodbujana in priporočena, temveč nujna.
magistrska dela;plesna dejavnost;otroci;učenje;učne ure;učni načrti;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[S. Juhart] |
UDC: |
37.091.3:793.3(043.2) |
Views: |
25 |
Downloads: |
4 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Dance as an extracurricular sports activity in the first educational period |
Secondary abstract: |
Dance represents and includes a broad area of research possibilities - from moves, movements, mimics, gestures and other body movements to showing different emotional conditions and feelings. In the master's thesis, we deal with the importance of dance activity for the development of a child in the first educational period. First, we theoretically define dance activity - we touch upon its origins, development and influence on society with a special emphasis on the importance of dance in children in the first educational period. The research follows in the practical part of the master's thesis, in which twenty children, ten girls and ten boys, participated. We carried out six lessons of extracurricular activity - dance. To establish the importance of dance in children we used a questionnaire, where we researched the general knowledge of children on dance before and after the execution of lessons as well as criteria with which we wished to acquire an objective insight into the children's knowledge of the dance activity before and after the executed lessons. We studied children's knowledge of dance, creativity, rhythm, coordination, improvisation, imagination and cooperation with others. The results show that after the execution of the serried dance practice pupils understand dance much more comprehensively and multifaceted than before the practice. It can be established how important dance activity is for children - for their psychophysical development and activity. The very research is an indicator that a broader inclusion of dance activity in the curriculum is not only encouraged and recommended but also necessary. |
Secondary keywords: |
master theses;dance activity;children;learning;lessons;curriculum;Ples;Osnovnošolsko učenje in poučevanje;Interesne dejavnosti (učenci, dijaki itd.));Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 117 str.)) |
ID: |
19118667 |