diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Mihael Zver (Author), Branko Lobnikar (Mentor)


Epidemija virusa Sars-cov-2 je vplivala na vsak segment družbe. Prav tako je vplivala na delovanje državnih organov. Policija je bila primorana na spremembe hitro odzvati in svoje delovanje prilagoditi danim razmeram. V času trajanja epidemije je bila zadolžena za izvajanje dodatnih predpisov, ki so bili sprejeti v kratkem času in so se velikokrat spreminjali. Slednjemu policisti niso bili ravno naklonjeni. Ne glede na hitro spreminjanje predpisov, je delo policistov moralo biti zakonito. Spremembe v policiji so se odražale tako na organizacijskem nivoju, kot tudi pri samem delovanju. Zaradi novih predpisov, ki so jih v svoje izvrševanje dobili policisti in zaradi strahu pred virusom, so bili pod večjim pritiskom in hkrati stresom, kar je vplivalo na njihovo delo. Policija se je s prilagajanjem situaciji, ki je vladala v danem trenutku, trudila izvajati svoje naloge. Način dela se je spremenil, saj so se spremenili tudi kriminaliteta, mobilnost družbe, ki je večino časa preživela v svojih domovih ter postopki, med katerimi je bilo potrebno vzdrževati varnostno razdaljo zaradi strahu pred okužbo z virusom. Zaradi neodobravanja omejevalnih ukrepov s strani državljanov, so se le-ti pričeli zbirati na protestih, ki so bili neprijavljeni, zato je morala policija poskrbeti za varovanje. Na protestih so policisti, da bi proteste umirili, delovali prekomerno in prekoračili svoja pooblastila. V diplomskem delu smo opisali spremembe, ki so se pojavile na področju kriminalitete, opredelili smo spremembe na organizacijskem delu policije, prav tako tudi proteste, ki so bili v času epidemije ter postopanje policistov na njih, zapisali smo stresne pojave, ki so jim bili podvrženi policisti ter blaženje le-teh.


delo policije;spremembe;stres;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [M. Zver]
UDC: 351.741(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 154298883 Link will open in a new window
Views: 197
Downloads: 27
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on policing in Republic of Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The Sars-cov-2 virus epidemic has affected every segment of society. It also affected the functioning of state authorities. The police had to react quickly to the changes and adapt their operations to the given conditions. During the epidemic, it was in charge of implementing additional regulations, which, however, were adopted in a short time and were amended many times. The policemen were not very fond of this. Regardless of the rapidly changing regulations, the work of police officers had to be legal. Changes in the police were reflected both at the organizational level and in police operation. Due to the new regulations that the police officers received in their enforcement and due to the fear of the virus, the police officers were under more pressure and at the same time stressed, which affected their work. The police tried to perform their tasks by adapting to the situation prevailing at the given moment. The way of working has changed, because so has crime, the mobility of society, which spent most of its time in its homes, and procedures during which it was necessary to maintain a safety distance due to the fear of being lost to the virus. Citizens’ disapproval of the restrictive measures led them to gather for protests, which were unannounced, and the police had to provide security. At the protests, in order to calm the protests, the police acted excessively and exceeded their powers. In the thesis, we described the changes that occurred in the field of criminality, we examined the changes in the organizational work of the police, defined the protests that took place during the epidemic and the actions of the police officers, described the stressful phenomena that the police officers were subjected to , and mitigating these stressors.
Secondary keywords: Policija;Covid-19;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: IV f., 39 str.
ID: 19126772