diplomsko delo Visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje Strojništvo - Projektno aplikativni program
Tomaž Ivančič (Author), Damjan Klobčar (Mentor), Uroš Trdan (Co-mentor)


Oblikovno obločno navarjanje z žico (angl. WAAM – Wire and Arc Additive manufacturing) je ena izmed najnaprednejših tehnologij, ki poteka po principu navarjanja dodajnega materiala plast za plastjo. Značilna prednost te tehnike je, da lahko proizvajamo velike in masivne izdelke z nizkimi stroški in kratkim časom izdelave. Zaradi novosti v tehnologiji (počasi se tehnologija že uveljavlja v industriji, predvsem v letalski), smo se odločili, da raziščemo karakteristike pri navarjanju aluminija. Aluminij in njegove zlitine so pogosto v uporabi zaradi nizke mase in gostote, dobre korozijske odpornosti, toplotne in električne prevodnosti, relativno dobre trdnosti ter duktilnosti. Zaradi aluminijeve težavnosti pri varjenju smo varili po programu CMT+PULSE (angl. Cold Metal Transfer) ter poskusili navariti tanke in široke stene. Po končanem postopku pa smo jih preizkusili na treh različnih testih; nateznem, žilavostnem in upogibnem, prav tako smo pregledali tudi mikostrukturo. Ugotovili smo, da je pri širokih stenah pojavnost poroznosti tudi do 60 % večja (razmerje 6 proti 1 v količini mehurčkov). Izkazalo se je, da ima vertikalna orientacija vzorca za 10° večji upogibni kot pri porušitvi nasproti horizontalni (35° proti 25° v povprečju). Pri ostalih preizkusih bistvenih razlik v orientaciji vzorcev ni bilo.


diplomske naloge;WAAM;obločno navarjenje;upogibni preizkus;AlSi5;natezni test;test žilavosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [T. Ivančič]
UDC: 621.791.75:669.715:620.17(043.2)
COBISS: 154300931 Link will open in a new window
Views: 190
Downloads: 85
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Characterisation of WAAM aluminium alloy AlSi5
Secondary abstract: Wire and Arc Additive manufacturing (WAAM) is one of the most advanced technologies that uses the principle of winding the additive material layer by layer. The characteristic advantage of this technique is that large and massive products can be produced at low cost and with short production times. Due to the novelty of the technology (it is already slowly gaining ground in industry, especially in aeronautics), we decided to investigate the characteristics of aluminium winding. Aluminium and its alloys are widely used because of their low mass and density, good corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity, relatively good strength and ductility. Due to aluminium's difficulty in welding, we have welded using the CMT+PULSE (Cold Metal Transfer) programme and have attempted to weld thin and wide walls. After the process, we tested them in three different tests; tensile, toughness and bending, and we also checked the microstructure. We found that the incidence of porosity was up to 60% higher in the wide walls (6 to 1 ratio in the amount of bubbles). The vertical orientation of the specimen was found to have a 10° higher bending capacity than the horizontal orientation (35° vs. 25° on average). In the other tests, there were no significant differences in the orientation of the specimens.
Secondary keywords: WAAM;arc welding;bend test;AlSi5;tensile test;toughness test;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XX, 52 str.
ID: 19126936
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