magistrsko delo
Mojca Knez (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Podatki o kupcih in strankah so podjetjem vredni veliko več, kot si predstavljamo. Vsako podjetje deluje, da bi zadovoljilo svoje ciljne skupine, to je svoje stranke ali kupce. Ker je podatkov in informacij vedno več, jih je potrebno shranjevati tako, da so zbrani na enem mestu. Več podatkov kot ima podjetje, lažje vodi analitiko o svojih kupcih in personalizira svoje izdelke ali storitve glede na različne dejavnike, kot so spol, starost, izobrazba, demografske značilnosti in podobno. Za doseganje teh ciljev so v veliko pomoč sistemi za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (angl. Customer Relationship Management ali CRM), ki omogočajo zbiranje podatkov na enem mestu, in 365-stopinjski pogled na stranko, kar podjetjem omogoča še boljšo personalizacijo ter poznavanje kupcev in strank. Vsako podjetje pa poleg upravljanja odnosov s strankami potrebuje tudi načrtovanje virov v podjetju, kar pomeni, da ima vpeljane različne module, kot so proizvodnja, finance, upravljanje s kadri, skladiščenje, kontrola kakovosti, nabava idr. Ti moduli so podprti z ERP sistemi (angl. Enterprise Resource Planning ali ERP). Ponudnikov takih sistemov je veliko, zato je pomembno, da podjetje izbere pravega za svojo vrsto dela in panogo. Da pa bi podjetje doseglo maksimalno učinkovitost, se lahko odloči za integracijo sistemov. Integracija med sistemoma, kot sta ERP in CRM, je vedno pogostejša. Pomembno je, da pred tovrstno integracijo podjetje preveri, ali sta sistema kompatibilna, saj ima lahko v nasprotnem primeru več težav kot koristi, pri čemer nastanejo tudi veliki stroški, ki se ne povrnejo. Podjetja, ki ne uporabljajo CRM in ERP sistemov, bodo težko obstala na trgu, saj je konkurenca vedno večja, trg pa postaja neizprosen. Za primer smo vzeli podjetje X z implementiranima CRM in ERP sistemoma, ki mu omogočata lažje načrtovanje proizvodnje in upravljanje odnosov s kupci. Ker pa so vedeli, da sistem ne more delovati vsak zase, so se odločili tudi za integracijo, s katero so dosegli boljšo učinkovitost, čeprav ta še ni popolnoma zaključena. Prednosti, ki sta jih prinesla integrirana sistema, se kažejo že zdaj, saj olajšajo delo zaposlenim.


informacijski sistemi;informacijske rešitve;CRM;ERP;integracija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: M. Knez
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 161722371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 31
Downloads: 3
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Integration of CRM and ERP system in company X
Secondary abstract: Customer data is worth much more to companies than can be imagined. Every business works to satisfy its target groups, i.e. their customers or buyers. Since there is more and more data and information available, it is necessary to store them in one place. The more data a company has, the easier it is to conduct customer analysis and personalise its products or services based on various factors, such as: gender, age, education, demographic characteristics, etc. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems help achieve these goals by enabling the collection of data in one place as well as the three-hundred-and-sixty-five-degree view of the customer, which enables companies to personalize and know customers and clients even better. In addition to customer relationship management, every company also needs company resource planning which means that companies implement various modules, such as: production, finance, personnel management, storage, quality control, procurement and others. These modules are supported by ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. There are many providers of these systems and it is therefore important that the company chooses the right provider for its type of work and industry. However, in order for the company to achieve its maximum efficiency, the systems can be integrated. The integration between two such systems as ERP and CRM is increasingly common. It is important that their compatibility is checked in advance in order to avoid numerous problems as well as large costs that will not be repaid in the future. Companies that do not use CRM and ERP systems will find it difficult to stay on the market, as the competition is increasing and the market has become relentless. As an example, we took company X with implemented CRM and ERP systems, which enable them to plan production and manage relationships with their customers more easily. However, because they believed that each system cannot work independently, they decided to integrate them and thus achieved better efficiency, even though it is not yet fully completed. The advantages brought by the integrated CRM and ERP systems are already visible, as they make the work of employees easier.
Secondary keywords: CRM;ERP;integration;company X;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 101 str.
ID: 19245671