diplomska naloga
Nika Pelc (Author), Friderika Kresal (Reviewer), Mojca Amon (Mentor)


Krhkost predstavlja velik sodobni problem, s katerim se sooča svetovno zdravstvo. Število starostnikov s krhkostjo se povečuje z višjo starostjo in je večji pri ženskah. Za krhkost je značilna izguba telesne teže, utrujenost, slabša telesna dejavnost, težave z ravnotežjem, nepokretnost, slabša možnost hoje ter vstajanja. Poleg krhkosti se v mnogih primerih pojavi tudi sarkopenija, neznatna izguba mišične mase kot posledica staranja celic. Pri tem je pomembno ohranjanje telesne teže ter telesna dejavnost, ki temelji na treningu proti uporu. V diplomski nalogi smo se usmerili na pomen prehranske podpore na področju krhkosti in upadu mišične moči. Želeli smo proučiti pomen vloge fizioterapevta pri obravnavi bolnikov s sarkopenijo in krhkostjo, pri tem pa ugotoviti, kateri program je najbolj učinkovit. Razvoj krhkosti lahko preventivno upočasnimo z uravnoteženo prehrano, ki je obogatena z beljakovinami, osnovni gradniki za ohranjanje mišičnega volumna. Stroka priporoča mediteransko prehrano, saj temelji na sveži in ekološki zelenjavi ter sadju. Velik poudarek daje na hrano, polno z vlakninami in obogateno z beljakovinami. Ključ do preprečevanja krhkosti in sarkopenije pa predstavlja redna telesna dejavnost. Stroka priporoča vadbo od 3- do 5-krat tedensko, pri čemer naj bi jo stopnjevali primerno starostnikovi fizični pripravljenosti. S tem naj bi starostnik krepil svojo telesno zmogljivost in moč, telesna dejavnost pa prav tako prispeva pri ohranjanju gibljivosti hrbtenice, zmanjšuje simptome obrabe sklepov, odpravlja anksioznost, krepi imunski sistem, izboljšuje spomin, zmanjšuje utrujenost ter povečuje mišično maso. Ključ do zdrave in vitalne starosti je tako skupek različnih komponent, kot so zdrav način življenja, redna telesna dejavnost in uravnotežena prehrana.


fizioterapevtska obravnava;krhkost;prehrana;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [N. Pelc]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 156286467 Link will open in a new window
Views: 88
Downloads: 6
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Physical activity and nutritional support in the physiotherapy treatment of frailty
Secondary abstract: Fragility is a major contemporary problem challenging global healthcare. The number of elderly people with fragility increases with older age and is higher in women. There are many tools to help us identify fragility and confirm it clinically. Fragility is characterized by a decline in bodily functions such as weight loss, fatigue, poor physical activity, balance problems, immobility, as well as ability to walk and get up. In addition to fragility, sarcopenia, which is a slight loss of muscle mass due to cell aging, also occurs in many cases. Hence, maintaining weight and physical activity based on resistance training are important. In this diploma thesis, we focused on the importance of nutritional support in fragility and decline in muscle strength. We wanted to study the importance of the role of the physiotherapist in treating patients with sarcopenia and fragility, while determining the most effective programme. The development of fragility can be preventively slowed down by a balanced diet enriched with protein, the building blocks for maintaining muscle volume. The profession recommends a Mediterranean diet, as it is based on fresh and organic vegetables and fruits, emphasizing the importance of high-fibre and protein-rich foods. The key to preventing fragility and sarcopenia is regular physical activity. Experts recommend exercising 3 to 5 times a week, with the exercises progressing according to the elderly person's physical fitness level. Thus, the elderly should increase their physical capacity and strength, as physical activity also contributes to maintaining spinal mobility, reduces joint degeneration, eliminates anxiety, strengthens the immune system, improves memory, reduces fatigue, and increases muscle mass. The key to a healthy and vital age is thus a combination of different components, such as a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity, and a balanced diet.
Secondary keywords: physical therapy;frailty;nutrition;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: II, 31 str.
ID: 19283731