magistrsko delo
Aljoša Špelec (Author), Franc Rozman (Mentor), Andrej Rahten (Thesis defence commission member)


Magistrsko delo obravnava politično dogajanje na Spodnjem Štajerskem v času od nastopa vlade grofa (kneza) Adolfa Auersperga konec novembra 1871 do njenega odstopa sredi februarja 1879. Ta leta so bila na slovenskem etničnem ozemlju, še posebej pa na Spodnjem Štajerskem, obdobje ostrega političnega in nacionalnega pritiska. Liberalna ustavoverna vlada je bila spodnještajerskim Slovencem seveda nenaklonjena, saj je odločno nasprotovala vsaki, tudi najmanjši koncesiji v slovensko korist (sprememba deželnega volilnega reda, nastavitev slovenskih učiteljev na šolah, uvajanje slovenskega jezika v šole, sodišča in urade, izboljšanje gospodarskega položaja Slovencev ...). Po drugi strani je bilo slovensko politično zastopstvo v deželnem, predvsem pa v državnem zboru skromno, kar pa je bila posledica notranjih slovenskih razprtij in nasprotij, ki so v prvi polovici 70. let 19. stoletja stopile v ospredje tudi na Spodnjem Štajerskem. Pogosto se je dogajalo, da so slovenski poslanci nastopali ločeno. Zato so bile v teh letih možnosti za politične uspehe Slovencev neznatne, saj je bila poleg tega Spodnja Štajerska del dežele, ki je imela mešano slovensko-nemško prebivalstvo, nemštvo je prevladovalo v mestih, medtem ko je bilo podeželje v veliki večini slovensko. Slovencem na Spodnjem Štajerskem v prvi polovici 70. let 19. stoletja ni uspelo doseči nobenih pomembnejših uspehov. Položaj se je začel izboljševati šele po nadomestnih volitvah za deželnega poslanca l. 1876. To se je nadaljevalo s povečanjem slovenskega zastopstva pri volitvah v okrajna zastopstva istega leta (1876) in se še izboljšalo pri volitvah v deželni zbor l. 1878. K temu je pripomogla ponovna sprava med spodnještajerskimi Slovenci, kateri so po odstopu Auerspergove vlade februarja 1879 z več optimizma zrli v boljšo prihodnost in nestrpno čakali na državnozborske volitve poleti 1879.


Spodnja Štajerska;slovenska zgodovina;politična zgodovina;volitve;19. st.;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Špelec]
UDC: 94(497.4-18)"1871/1879"(043.2):32
COBISS: 18390024 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2447
Downloads: 251
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Political conditions in Lower Strya in the time of the Auersperg gowerment 1871-1879
Secondary abstract: The masterwork represents the political development in Lower Styria in the time of the government of count Auersperg from the end of November 1871 until its resignation in mid February 1879. In the slovenian ethnical territory, these years were a period of severe political and national pressure, especially in Lower Styria. The liberal constitutional government was certainly unfavourable of the Lower Styrian Slovenes, because it strongly opposed various, also the smallest concessions to the Slovenian advantage (changes of the land electoral system, appointments of slovenian teachers in schools, the introduction of the slovenian language in schools, courts and offices, improvement of the economic situation of the Slovenes ...). On the other hand, the slovenian political representation in the Land assembly, but above all in the National assembly, was pretty modest. This was a direct consequence of inner slovenian quarrels and contrasts, which stepped in the foreground also in Lower Styria in the first half of the eighteen seventies. It often happened that slovenian delegates appeared separately. Because of these circumstances, tha chances for political sucesses were insignificant, and besides that was Lower Styria also a part ot the land, which had a mixed slovenian german population - the Germans prevailed in the towns and cities, the Slovenes in the countryside. In the first half of the eighteen seventies the Slovenes were not able to achieve any important sucesses. The situation began to change after the substitutional elections for the land deputy in 1876. This continued with an increased slovenian representation in the district counsils in the elections of the same year (1876) and improved further in the elections for the Land assembly in 1878. This fact can be attributed to the anewed reconciliation between the Lower Styrian Slovenes, who hoped for a better future after the resignation of the Auersperg government and were waiting impatiently for new elections for the National assembly in the summer of 1879.
Secondary keywords: Lower Styria;slovenian history;political history;elections;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 194 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;general history;splošna zgodovina;social sciences;družbene vede;politics;politika;politične vede;
ID: 19285
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