diplomsko delo
Uvod: Igra in prosti čas sta otrokovi osnovni dejavnosti, ki mu omogočata socialni, kognitivni in fizični razvoj. Igra pretvarjanja je igra, v kateri otrok predmetom določi lastnosti, se z njimi igra z namenom in uporablja določene simbole. Ko otrok razvije sposobnost logičnega povezovanja igralnih akcij, se poveča sama kvaliteta in kompleksnost njegove igre pretvarjanja. Ta odraža sposobnost otroka misliti abstraktno, vpliva na sposobnost pripovedovanja in pomensko organizacijo predšolskih otrok. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je prevesti ocenjevalni obrazec otrokove igre pretvarjanja (ChIPPA) iz angleškega v slovenski jezik, izvesti pilotno študijo o uporabi ChIPPA pri slovenskih štiriletnikih in primerjati njihove rezultate z avstralskimi normativnimi. Ali so rezultati ocenjevanja igre pretvarjanja pri slovenskih otrocih primerljivi z normativnimi podatki, pridobljenimi pri avstralskih otrocih? Ali so standardizirane igrače ocenjevanja, ki so bile prvotno zasnovane za avstralske otroke, primerne za uporabo pri slovenskih otrocih? Metode dela: Izvedena je bila pilotna študija. Z dovoljenjem avtorice je bil narejen prevod ocenjevalnega obrazca. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela je bilo ocenjevanje izvedeno pri desetih nevrotipičnih štiriletnikih, od katerih je bilo pet dečkov in pet deklic. Ocenjevanja so bila izvedena v mesecu septembru in oktobru 2022. Rezultati: Pridobljeni rezultati v konvencionalno domišljijski igri so primerljivi z avstralskimi standardi. Pri simbolni igri so odstopali rezultatih treh otrok. Razen dveh primerov so vsi otroci, ocenjeni v študiji, imeli manj predmetnih zamenjav od avstralskih norm. Igrače, ki se uporabljajo v ocenjevanju, so otroci hitro prepoznali in se z njimi radi igrali. Razprava in zaključek: Otroci pri konvencionalno domišljijski igri niso imeli težav. Nižji rezultati skupnega rezultata dodelanih akcij so bili pridobljeni s strani treh dečkov. Z izjemo dveh deklic so imeli vsi otroci nižji rezultat pri predmetni zamenjavi, kar kaže na otrokovo nezmožnost, da se sam vključi v igro, razvija logične igralne akcije in vztraja pri igri. Nižji rezultat lahko povežemo s težavami pri socialnih kompetencah, na področju jezika in pripovedovanja. Dva izmed otrok sta pri igri uporabila nezaželeno vedenje.
diplomska dela;delovna terapija;simbolna igra;konvencionalno domišljijska igra;uporaba igre v delovni terapiji;ocenjevanje;ChIPPA;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
Publisher: |
[M. Potočnik] |
UDC: |
615.851 |
Views: |
18 |
Downloads: |
4 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
ǂThe ǂuse of the Slovenian translation of the assessment of the childrens's pretend play in four years-olds |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Play and free time are child's basic activity that enables social, cognitive and physical development. Pretend play is play in which the child determines the properties of objects, plays with them with purpose and uses certain symbols. When a child develops the ability to logically connect play actions, the very quality and complexity of pretend play increases, which reflects the child's ability to think abstractly, affects the storytelling ability and semantic organization of preschool children. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to translate the assessment form of the ChIPPA from English to Slovenian, to conduct a pilot study on the use of ChIPPA in Slovenian four-year-olds and compare their results with the Australian normatives. RV: Are the results of the assessment of pretend play on Slovenian children comparable to the normative data obtained on Australian children? RV: Are the standardized assessment toys originally designed for Australian children suitable for use with Slovenian children? Methods: A pilot study was conducted. With the permission of the author, a translation of the evaluation form was carried out, which has been done by the mentor and me. In the empirical part of the thesis, the assessment was carried out in ten neurotypical four-year-olds, five of whom were boys and five girls. Assessments were conducted in the months of September and October 2022. Results: All cases assesed in study are comparable to Australian standards in conventional imginative play session. In the symbolic play session, there were three cases that were below the average. With the exception of two cases, all children assessed in the study had fewer subject substitutions than Australian norms. The children quickly recognized the toys used in the assessment and liked to play with them. Discussion and conclusion: Children had no problems with conventional imaginative play. The three lower scores of the total score of elaborate actions were obtained by the boys. With the exception of two girls, all children had lower results of object substitution, which indicates the child's inability to get involved in the game by himself, to develop logical game actions and to persist in the game. A lower score can be linked to problems with social competence, at school, in the area of language and storytelling. Two of the children used aggression. |
Secondary keywords: |
diploma theses;occupational therapy;symbolic play;conventional fantasy play;use of play in occupational therapy;assessment;ChIPPA; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za delovno terapijo |
Pages: |
30 str., [13] str. pril. |
ID: |
19375546 |