diplomsko delo
Brina Petrle (Author), Sonja Hlebš (Reviewer), Renata Vauhnik (Mentor)


Uvod: Igelna desenzibilizacija postaja vse pogostejši terapevtski pristop k lajšanju bolečin v vratu, ki so posledica prisotnosti miofascialnih prožilnih točk. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature ugotoviti, kakšen učinek ima terapija z igelno desenzibilizacijo na bolečino v vratu, ki je posledica miofascialnih prožilnih točk v mišici trapezius. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo s pregledom literature. Pri iskanju smo uporabili časovni okvir od 2018 do 2022. Literatura je bila iskana v angleškem jeziku s ključnimi besedami dry needling AND neck pain AND trapezius, v podatkovni bazi PubMed. V podrobnejšo analizo smo vključili šest raziskav. Rezultati: Skupno število vseh preiskovancev je bilo 484. Vse raziskave so vključevale terapijo igelne desenzibilizacije, v vseh je bila opravljena enkrat, razen v eni dvakrat. Dve raziskavi sta imeli dve eksperimentalni skupini, ena je vključila intervencijo manualne terapije, ena pa globoko in površinsko igelno desenzibilizacijo. Ena raziskava je v isti intervenciji izvedla igelno desenzibilizacijo in manualno terapijo. V kontrolnih skupinah so izvajali ali lažno terapijo z igelno desenzibilizacijo, ali manualno terapijo, ali igelno desenzibilizacijo druge mišice. V raziskavah so bila uporabljena merilna orodja algometer in vizualna analogna lestvica za oceno bolečine (VAS) ali numerična lestvica za oceno bolečine. Ena raziskava je uporabila VAS brez algometrije, v eni pa so na boleče mesto dovedli pritisk z algometrom, pacient pa je na VAS ocenil stopnjo bolečine. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da ima terapija z igelno desenzibilizacijo pozitivne učinke na bolečino v mišici trapezius. Smiselno jo je uporabiti poleg manualne terapije, saj skupaj prinašata boljše rezultate. Tako globoka kot površinska igelna desenzibilizacija prinašata podobne rezultate, natančno mesto vboda dolgoročno ni zelo pomembno, priporočena pa je izvedba več kot ene terapije, saj tako pozitivni učinki trajajo dalj časa. Priporoča se kompresija vbodnega mesta, da se prepreči zapoznela bolečina. V pregled literature bi bilo smiselno vključiti raziskave, ki opazujejo učinke skozi daljše časovno obdobje in imajo večje vzorce.


diplomska dela;fizioterapija;igelna desenzibilizacija;mišica trapezius;miofascialna prožilna točka;bolečina v vratu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [B. Petrle]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 157623555 Link will open in a new window
Views: 13
Downloads: 6
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂeffects of using the dry needling technique in the treatment of neck pain - literature review
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Trigger point dry needling is becoming an increasingly common therapeutic approach to alleviate neck pain caused by the presence of myofascial trigger points. Purpose: The aim of this diploma work is to determine the effect of trigger point dry needling therapy on neck pain caused by myofascial trigger points in the trapezius muscle through a literature review. Methods: A descriptive method with a systematic literature review was used for this thesis. The time frame for the search was 2018 to 2022, and the literature was searched in English using the key words "dry needling AND neck pain AND trapezius" in the PubMed database. Six researchees were included in the detailed analysis. Results: The total number of participants in all studies was 484. All studies involved trigger point dry needling therapy, which was performed once, except for one study where it was performed twice. Two studies had two experimental groups, one included manual therapy intervention, and the other included deep and superficial trigger point dry needling. One study performed trigger point dry needling and manual therapy in the same intervention. The control groups received either sham trigger point dry needling or manual therapy or trigger point dry needling of another muscle. The measurement tools used in the studies were the algometer and the visual analog scale (VAS) or the numerical rating scale for pain assessment. One study used VAS without an algometer, and in one study, pressure was applied to the painful area with the algometer, and the patient rated the level of pain on the VAS. Discussion and conclusion: The results indicate that trigger point dry needling therapy has positive effects on pain in the trapezius muscle. It makes sense to use it in combination with manual therapy as they bring better results together. Both deep and superficial trigger point dry needling bring similar results, and the exact needle insertion site is not very important in the long term. It is recommended to perform more than one therapy session, as the positive effects last longer. Compression of the needle insertion site is recommended to prevent delayed pain. It would be useful to include studies that observe the effects over a longer period of time and have larger sample sizes.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;physiotherapy;dry needling;trapezius muscle;myofascial trigger point;neck pain;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 27 str.
ID: 19425889