Marija Mitrović (Author)


Od srede šestdesetih let do danes je Kocbek - ob Šalamunu - med najbolj pogosto prevajanimi pisatelji na območju srbskega/hrvaškega/bosanskega jezika: natisnjenih je 13 njegovih knjig. Edini med slovenskimi pisatelji je uvrščen v zbirko Vrhovi svetovne književnosti (2009). Sprejemanje Kocbekove poezije, proze in esejistike pomaga priti do odgovora na vprašanje, v kolikšni meri in v kakšnih pogojih je prostor sorodnih literatur - slovenske, srbske, hrvaške in bosanske - deloval kot medsebojno prepleten in celo pogojen. Kocbekov primer je za takšno raziskavo posebej hvaležen, ker se je odnos do njega v domači književnosti večkrat spremenil: bil je hvaljen in nagrajen, obsojen in diskvalificiran. Zanima nas, v kolikšni meri so te spremembe vidne tudi v sosednjih literarnih središčih.


slovenska književnost;literarna recepcija;prevodi v srbščino;prevodi v hrvaščino;prevodi v bosanščino;južnoslovanske književnosti;Jugoslavija;sorodne književnosti;Kocbek;Edvard;1904-1981;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 0 - Not set
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 821.163.6.09=163.41/.42
COBISS: 13061635 Link will open in a new window
Views: 19
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Kocbek, prisotnost, prevajanje, sorodne literature Since the mid-1960s Kocbek has become, alongside [alamun, the most translated Slovene poet in the Serb/Croat/Bosnian language. In fact, thirteen of Kocbek's books have been published in this linguistic area. Kocbek is the only Slovene writer to be included in the anthology Masterpieces of World Literature (2009). The study of the reception of Kocbek's work (poetry, prose and non-fiction) should help us answer the question: how much were the former Yugoslav literatures (Slovene, Serbian, Croat, Bosnian) interconnected and even reciprocally conditioned in their development? The case of Kocbek's work is especially important for this type of research since the attitude of Slovene literary criticism and literary history changed several times: he was praised and awarded, but also condemned and disqualified. This paper will try to see how these changes affected the reception of Kocbek's work in the societies where he was translated. Kocbek, reception, translation, interconnected literatures
Secondary keywords: Slovene literature;literary reception;translation to Croatian language;translation to Serbian language;translation to Bosnian language;literary translating;South-Slavic literatures;Yugoslavia;interconnected literatures;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: Str. 299-306
ID: 19478704
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